Submitted by MiddleUziVert t3_yovovc in videos
Dudeist-Priest t1_ivg6n2o wrote
He said murder in the video, but claimed mistaken identity.
honorious t1_ivg782x wrote
Well, I guess they had better let him out then.
MiddleUziVert OP t1_ivg8zw3 wrote
As far as I know - he was sentenced to 60 years in prison at age 15 for the shooting death of another teen. Since being locked up he has earned his GED, and is now running the prison’s addiction program and working as a barber.
MiddleUziVert OP t1_ivgia0p wrote
It is in Wabash, Indiana.
clak_2022 t1_ivgjh3q wrote
Sounds about right.
jarsnazzy t1_ivgk0yx wrote
USA is one of the only countries in the world where children get life sentences.
hxcn00b666 t1_ivgm0iu wrote
Man I wanted to watch that but there was a really high pitched ringing in it. Does anybody else hear that?
It's definitely from the video, I tested it by pausing and un-pausing it.
MiddleUziVert OP t1_ivgndka wrote
Hm I don't seem to have a problem using my computer's audio. Are you wearing headphones? Maybe try listening without headphones on but I'm not sure.
PaulMaulMenthol t1_ivgsqxi wrote
I'm on mobile through speakers with the volume up and no ringing for me
rmprice222 t1_ivgvmoy wrote
Fuck, way to young to be in jail.
gar4 t1_ivgwbwg wrote
It's likely the old TV they have. It gives off a high pitch sound but not everyone can hear it.
Vickrin t1_ivh09c7 wrote
Land of the free^(*)
hxcn00b666 t1_ivh1ej6 wrote
That's what I was thinking. I remember them making that sound in person, I was surprised the recording picked up on it too.
hxcn00b666 t1_ivh1odh wrote
I was listening on my computer speakers at first, I thought maybe there was an issue with them so I just tried it on my phone and still hear it there too. It must just be at a super high frequency.
Tayttajakunnus t1_ivh2wep wrote
60 years in prison? That's just fucked up.
[deleted] t1_ivh3cys wrote
18-8-7-5 t1_ivh3do5 wrote
If he can bring the other guy back to life he should be allowed to go free.
[deleted] t1_ivh3h4t wrote
AnneFrankFanFiction t1_ivh4m5v wrote
Necromancy? Not in my backyard
Tayttajakunnus t1_ivh5k92 wrote
Locking him up doesn't bring anyone back either.
[deleted] t1_ivhchpb wrote
Reddit__is_garbage t1_ivhjby7 wrote
That comment on the video of Colt's release day 10 years later sums it up so well:
>Confused about the sentiment people have about being happy that he changed. The only thing that changed was his circumstance. He was accosted and beat by a drunk to the point of wanting to kill him and run away. Nobody talks about how his step dad was an abusive POS and his mom was complacent. He more than likely was never a threat to society as long as he wasn't being beaten and berated regularly. This is a boy who was completely failed by his support system and promptly punished like an adult for it. Colt isn't some champion of the potential of our justice system, he's a boy who was forced in a box after being traumatized and had to grow up on his own...
jakedesnake t1_ivhjz8z wrote
Wouw. I have to admit, after reading the post title i expected something else when clicking on the video. I somehow expected them to... not be able to express themselves. They sound surprisingly mature and very clear in what and how they communicate.
W4ffle3 t1_ivhk2o4 wrote
We should lock everyone up then to prevent all future murders.
[deleted] t1_ivhoxfb wrote
aladdyn2 t1_ivhpslr wrote
It's it though?
[deleted] t1_ivhq05z wrote
syntax_erorr t1_ivhq5pm wrote
Why did they feel the need to add fake film noise to this video?
dcoble t1_ivhr7pr wrote
In my hometown in 1987 a teenager drowned a 5 and 7 year old in a bathtub, and raped, shot, and killed the mother who was pregnant... He was recently back in headlines trying to get early parole. It was rejected.
TBH I don't really mind that he's serving multiple life sentences.
aladdyn2 t1_ivhrgm0 wrote
It's ok, don't think about anything. Continue your life unencumbered by critical thought.
[deleted] t1_ivhrkdl wrote
[deleted] t1_ivhypzr wrote
amicablepugnates t1_ivi2pdp wrote
Freedom is not a simple thing for a country to strive for. Allowing you to be free means you have to allow others to be free. But as the saying goes, "your freedom to swing your arm stops at my face."
The more freedom, the more consequences and laws must be created and enforced to maintain that freedom. It is paradoxical.
throw4jklfj t1_ivi2q1u wrote
Glad you're not a judge.
[deleted] t1_ivi3w3i wrote
throw4jklfj t1_ivi4lr8 wrote
The comment thread went from "we shouldn't imprison children for life maybe" to "yeah kids can never change as they grow up, lock em up and throw away the key".
Brain development continues until 25 or so, meaning if people are given actual chances to rehabilitate, younger people especially would likely see lower levels of recidivism upon release.
But chuds like you just want to torture criminals, so bye.
[deleted] t1_ivi54q3 wrote
nerdiestnerdballer t1_ivi9bbe wrote
I'm sorry are you advocating for going lighter on murderers?
NopeThePope t1_iviclcy wrote
and the brave. dont forget they are brave too.
vpforvp t1_ivid79d wrote
That’s not a person you let back into society
NopeThePope t1_ivid7iu wrote
beaten to death in prison for having an aryan nation tattoo sounds like justice or something...
KillerJupe t1_ivigblc wrote
It is fucked up because you're asking a kid to make an adult decision.
Many adults can't accurately judge long-term consequences of their actions... kids are even worse at this.
It's shit that the other person is dead, but is it worth ruining both lives?
I don't know the right answer, but I don't think prison is it.
ObjectiveSenses t1_ivigdms wrote
You know I would love a update on these guys . When they said the part
about nighttime being the worst it really hit me .. took me back to when
I was doing dumb stuff myself. Somehow I escaped that, im not
successful or rich but I'm not in trouble and I no longer have those
feelings when I try to lay my head to rest at night. Really hope the
best for these guys and any other men women boys or girls out there
Soft-Rains t1_ivil93z wrote
Sounds like that person is an extreme case and most wouldn't have a problem if their institutionalized for life.
People, and especially children, should have rehabilitation as their focus with regular parole by an expert panel to analyze their likelihood to reoffend.
[deleted] t1_ivipup1 wrote
calimeatwagon t1_ivis1tf wrote
calimeatwagon t1_ivis6c8 wrote
You don't know much about prisons, do you?
Tayttajakunnus t1_ivissbu wrote
The Stalinist incarceration rates of America don't seem to correlate with low crime rates though. For example where I live the average lenght of life sentence is 14 years and the longest sentence ever is 25 years, but the murder rate is about 4 times lower.
AFourEyedGeek t1_ivitgfj wrote
Then why lock them up? Just execute them all.
MoltisantiNod t1_ivitigf wrote
Once they murder someone first, that's generally how it works you see.
i_have_chosen_a_name t1_ivj2ksf wrote
Land of the coward slave owners that like to call everything the opposite of what it is.
bobbybeard1 t1_ivj5dca wrote
I'd assume you're forced to grow up a lot faster in that environment
dcoble t1_ivjdwc8 wrote
I'm a chud who wants to torture criminals because of a very extreme case? He got a psych eval. They denied him parole because he still didn't seem fit for society.
The prison system absolutely sucks ass in a lot of cases and MAYBE if it was better we could've cured his mental issues... Or maybe he'd seem okay and then do it again. The murders weren't out of desperation. They were psychotic.
newjackcity0987 t1_ivjq12l wrote
Out of curiosity, do you have for-profit prisons are does the government manage the prisons?
jointheredditarmy t1_ivjrlxa wrote
I can tell from your tone that you aren’t seriously suggestion that… but… yeah it’s not a bad idea. If the jury can only choose between a 15 year max sentence or death penalty, you’d have much shorter average prison terms and the ones who really deserved the death penalty will get it
Jim3001 t1_ivjx4ux wrote
Colt (the 15 year old) was released in 2019. Dunno about the other kid.
Tayttajakunnus t1_ivk0cmh wrote
No, there are no for-profit prisons.
newjackcity0987 t1_ivk1q38 wrote
Could be another reason why prison doesnt reform people in the US. The prisons are incentivized to not reform them
MiddleUziVert OP t1_ivkv3d0 wrote
Colt is out of prison and doing very well. The other was sentenced to 60 years in prison at age 15 for the shooting death of another teen. Since being locked up he has earned his GED, and is now running the prison’s addiction program and working as a barber.
AFourEyedGeek t1_ivn9af1 wrote
In some ways I actually do understand this, but who decides 'who really deserved the death penalty'? Hard ass conservatives keen to pull the trigger on any trangression they can or soft ass liberals letting mass muderers live with access to mutliple facilities?
I think if you have a young man beaten by their guardian most of their life, who only knows violence, gets into a tussle with another angry young man and one ends up dead, wouldn't it be better to try and reform the survivor? Show them that violence isn't the only way life can be?
Another thing I wonder how many black people would get executed vs white people getting 15 years.
Courseheir t1_ivg6b4w wrote
What is the guy on the bed in jail for? The one standing was in jail for killing his abusive step dad but he's out now.