Submitted by BrainOnLoan t3_zacdze in videos
dyte t1_iyllwbf wrote
Dude we all saw the same comment you did on the FRONT PAGE like an hour ago... How fucking desperate for fake internet points are you. Holy shit.
BrainOnLoan OP t1_iylma9o wrote
I saw a different one actually, and buried deep in the comments.
kokkelimonke t1_iylmb6d wrote
Is this the first time you are on Reddit?
Opinions_R_Not_Facts t1_iylrdch wrote
Not everyone spends every waking moment they have reading through comments on every thread. So I’m glad this was posted to this sub so I can see it for the first time, (as do others via the vote count).
How desperate are you to be angry about something else besides what you’re actually angry about?
Edit: your comment history reads like you’re angry at humans and are the only one that chuckles at your jokes.
aManPerson t1_iylxj6n wrote
i comma space did not.
dirkjames t1_iyly29g wrote
Ironically he is telling on himself that he spends entirely too much time on Reddit.
There are countless comment threads and hardly any of them are worthwhile to dive in to, yet he assumes that “we all saw” that one because he reads them all
MoreMegadeth t1_iylzd1s wrote
Youre a weird person.
[deleted] t1_iym41qi wrote
danc4498 t1_iym4gys wrote
Eat a Snickers dude.
thebendavis t1_iym5jm3 wrote
I love both of these women so much. They're hilarious together, and genuinely talented when they do their own thing.
Dibs_on_Mario t1_iymctl4 wrote
piratepolo15 t1_iymigs9 wrote
noobvin t1_iymmwjo wrote
Holy shit, you cracked this case wide open, reddit detective.
StuffProfessional587 t1_iymrrbb wrote
Kanye has a serious mental health condition, not that many people know this. Seem he is not taking his medication, and some people are taking advantage of it.
Slappah_Dah_Bass t1_iymrzho wrote
Step away from the screens!
jtmarshiii t1_iymtz9h wrote
mental health issues has nothing to do with being anti-semitic. Million suffer the same illness and don't expose their love for Hitler and Nazi... this is just an excuse for people to use which also places others with mental health issues in the same light... STOP... HE IS A GROWN ASS MAN WITH ALL THE RESOURCES IN THE WORLD - IT'S A CHOICE!
jtmarshiii t1_iymu7gy wrote
Since you are on Reddit always and track what is where I can I use you vs Reddit's shitty search?
St84t8 t1_iymuw63 wrote
No kidding. I've been sick this week and it turns out most of the content on Reddit is just recycled over, and over, and over. Or, it's the same stupid questions over, and over. If this is your everyday of course you'll go nuts!
[deleted] t1_iymw85i wrote
FartIntoMyButt t1_iymwbu3 wrote
Bro my sister is bipolar and the only thing she's ever said about Jews was, "wait, they all have to leave Anatevka?" while watching Fiddler
Mr_Wolfgang_Beard t1_iymxf34 wrote
- This video was uploaded thirteen years ago.
- literally everyone knows about Kanye's mental health because it has been voted up as the top comment every single time he does something outlandish for years now
iPlod t1_iymy6po wrote
Go outside.
[deleted] t1_iymyiyy wrote
watermelondriagirl t1_iymyktd wrote
The dumb fuck needs to take his medication and sit fuck down. He did this to himself.
smoozer t1_iymyn3b wrote
Literally everyone knows that at this point
elriggo44 t1_iyn0qro wrote
[deleted] t1_iyn0vln wrote
GlitterChemist t1_iyn26nq wrote
It’s so weird. Britany shaved her head and was forced into a conservatorship because of concerns for her mental health.
But Ye can go full crazy, hateful, antisemite for decades while we all just watch on TV.
[deleted] t1_iyn5851 wrote
mountaingoat52 t1_iyn5mez wrote
[deleted] t1_iyn5zxd wrote
rickhora t1_iyn61u2 wrote
Who is going to put him in a conservatorship ? He is divorced, his children are all minors, his parents are dead or out of the country.
manbrasucks t1_iyn7gov wrote
I've never seen a single clip of Jay-Z saying "I love hitler" or "Hitler didn't kill 2 million jews". If he does believe those things he is mentally stable enough to know not to go on alex jones and say that shit.
Also, no we wouldn't.
[deleted] t1_iyn8msi wrote
triangulumnova t1_iyn8x1t wrote
If you're looking for mental health issues, you might start in the mirror.
manbrasucks t1_iyn9i73 wrote
Yeah wtf was that, glad I wasn't the only one that saw it. Like if kanye said "I love hitler" on MSNBC I'd be okay with it.
[deleted] t1_iyna1uy wrote
gerrobels t1_iynarn8 wrote
Do you honestly not know what NOI/BHI stand for?
You are genuinely trying to convince non-Americans that people like Louis Farrakhan have nothing to do with any antisemitism at all? Gotta love reddit.
> on MSNBC
Chris Hayes called black people the "master race".
They've had multiple black supremacists lamenting the same thing.
And you are specifically OK with it in particular. You are proud of it. You voluntarily declare it without prompting.
I also like how you make no distinction between MSNBC and your political party at all. As if they were the same thing and always was.
manbrasucks t1_iynbmiv wrote
Yeah I don't like Chris Hayes racial fetishizing or Louis Farrakhan either.
Try again.
nobodywithanotepad t1_iynbv6o wrote
I'm into some stuff these guys have put out but this isn't funny or really on point at all. Those quotes are all ambiguous and whatever you think of either of these people they are nothing alike. Maybe I'm missing what's clever about this?
gerrobels t1_iynbx3x wrote
You just SPECIFICALLY said you support MSNBC and now you say you dn't...
You say MSNBC and the Democrat Party are one and the same.
But you have no problem with it just as I said.
I don't see Chris Hayes facing any pitchforks like Kanye. Because he is still a democrat.
GlitterChemist t1_iynce8b wrote
Yeah. I was just pointing out the double standard.
GlitterChemist t1_iyncg2t wrote
ScoobyDone t1_iyncuow wrote
>You would be defending him if he was still a Democrat.
LOL. Sure, it's his voting record that concerns people. You nailed it. /s
HarryHacker42 t1_iynddyp wrote
The good Lord would want it that way!
HarryHacker42 t1_iyndn08 wrote
Maybe from 2009, but now, in 2022, Kanye is adoring Hitler and saying he did good stuff. Kanye is anti-Jew and vocally and publicly trying to unite people to hate Jews.
manbrasucks t1_iyndx2y wrote
Didn't say I support MSNBC.
I said "Like if kanye said "I love hitler" on MSNBC I'd be okay with it."
I wouldn't be okay with it just like I'm not okay with some random tweet about fetishizing black people chris hayes made 11 years ago.
Personally I hate all mainstream media as they're nothing but tools for wallstreet.
>I don't see Chris Hayes facing any pitchforks like Kanye. Because he is still a democrat.
Or because it was 11 years ago and it was cringe as fuck, but not the same as saying I love hitler and Hitler didn't kill 2million jews.
If you can't see how fetishizing black people and killing 2 million jews isn't the same you need help.
gerrobels t1_iynf2pc wrote
> Didn't say I support MSNBC.
First of all you say MSNBC is part of your political party and then you say that MSNBC doesn't support the things they do because you don't support it despite it being part of your party.
The mental gymnastics are on par with Kanye.
> 11 years ago.
Aaaaaah. Of course. You only supported it then, but not now. But you will go back to supporting MSNBC right after this conversation.
> but not the same as saying I love hitler and Hitler didn't kill 2million jews.
NOI/BHI/5% celebrates the holocaust. They say the jews Hitler killed were imposters. They say black Americans are the true hebrews. They want to pick up where Hitler left off.
That's the point. You will support that and gaslight people about that to your grave.
I also love how you denied the holocaust again yourself with your sly "2million" rhetoric. Classic.
mountaingoat52 t1_iyng9b6 wrote
No, no. It's, uh, it's pretty weird man.
nobodywithanotepad t1_iynjvi6 wrote
I know, it's everywhere, but this is manipulator vs manipulated. I'm Jewish if that matters- Also the grandson of a Nazi technically. Also from the system so not connected to any of that lol. I've read Mein Kampf, that's probably the most relevant thing I could bring to the conversation.
Kanye is being anti-semetic, no question. I also think majority of the people jumping on this bandwagon don't actually understand right and wrong and don't deserve a pat on the back for their lazy virtue signaling.
All that aside, they could do the same bit with quotes from Keanu Reeves but swinging at Kanye panders to an audience that loves to hate.
Does nobody else taste the irony in that?
BantamBasher135 t1_iynmgof wrote
Yedolf Wetler.
manbrasucks t1_iynmppl wrote
First I believe in an ideology, not a party. If the politician doesn't align with that ideology I don't support it.
>say MSNBC is part of your political party
I said msnbc is a left wing propaganda machine and is part of dems. Not "my political party" though.
>MSNBC doesn't support the things they do because you don't support it despite it being part of your party.
You've moved goal posts.
You said "You would be defending him if he was still a Democrat."
Now you're saying "MSNBC would be defending him if he was still a Democrat."
Completely different arguments. I would not be defending him if he was still a dem and a large part of the democrat base wouldn't either.
>NOI/BHI/5% celebrates the holocaust. They say the jews Hitler killed were imposters. They say black Americans are the true hebrews. They want to pick up where Hitler left off.
And they're sane enough to not go on MSNBC and say that shit.
Kanye isn't sane enough to do that. That's the criticism. The "he's crazy" has nothing to do with left wing/right wing.
>You will support that and gaslight people about that to your grave.
No. I don't support any of that.
>I also love how you denied the holocaust again yourself with your sly "2million" rhetoric. Classic.
I was quoting Kanye because we were discussing kanye. You're actually deranged. This isn't me gaslighting you. This is me saying you should print this conversation out, go to a therapist, show them the print out, and get professional help.
spiderborland t1_iynqlu6 wrote
[deleted] t1_iynxe91 wrote
Indercarnive t1_iynymrz wrote
penis privilege.
Huge-Basket244 t1_iyo986c wrote
I've been on reddit for an hour off and on this morning and this is the first I've seen it.
thtanner t1_iyoai3b wrote
Man needs 5150d
HarryHacker42 t1_iyod4fu wrote
I'll agree with that. The 2009 skit is vague enough that it really isn't funny in itself. It is because of where we ended up that it has any meaning.
I wouldn't call expressing disgust at Kanye's comments as "lazy virtue signaling" but more "disgust with Kanye's comments". We see over and over the hatred spread online turns into real life violence.
annomandaris t1_iyofr9y wrote
The courts can just assign a conservatorship.
[deleted] t1_iyoi0ee wrote
BrainOnLoan OP t1_iyojpe3 wrote
It wasn't meant to be a serious attack on his political positions back then.
It was a skit poking fun at his tendency to make grandiose and self-centered statements.
Noone actually thought in 2009 that he held right-wing political positions. That made the skit possible because neither the two artists nor fans were thinking it insuated Nazi ideology.
It was just clean fun mocking his vague narcissistic bullshit.
The added irony is only perceived from the future. The perceived accusation (then without substance) wasn't actually implied back then, it was too outlandish.
rickhora t1_iyomq4h wrote
So a judge can just assign a conservatorship if he feels like it? No next of kin needs to file a request or something? Or maybe Kanye has to suffer an accident, commit a crime or hurt someone?
edit: spelling mistakes.
OfficialGarwood t1_iyomx1t wrote
Inherent sexism in action. When it's a man, he's eccentric, when it's woman, she's bat-shit crazy.
bootselectric t1_iyoprvi wrote
Sounds dystopic.
[deleted] t1_iypaope wrote
I see you are a person of taste.
izoid09 t1_iyphs96 wrote
aliterati t1_iyq48fb wrote
This is a privilege??
Being able to absolutely destroy you're entire life within a matter of days while literally no one does a single thing to help you, just using you as fodder for their own case du jour - that's a privilege?
If he was a woman someone would have tried to step in, put him in a conservatorship and help him. But because he's a black man - it's fine to let him destroy his life until he eventually kills himself. We'll just all watch it happen.
If anything, that's vagina privilege.
Zinski t1_iyr8zmc wrote
"your honor I don't like how this man is spending his money clearly he shouldn't be allowed to spend his money how he wants to"
American freedom at work
MeowMeowMeowBitch t1_iz76pw7 wrote
They'll drug him and have him institutionalized again, then steal the rest of his money.
...whoever "they" are.
Scoobydoomed t1_iyl8mxz wrote
Ye’tler quotes.