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B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME OP t1_ja17tgo wrote

I talk to you guys all the time and you all repeat the same thing. The course of your life is changing and you don’t even see it.


suicide_walter t1_ja1954i wrote

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. We just had a FOMO rally; it stalled and the daydreamer’s soft landing is looking less likely. The market was pricing in rate cuts by year end… absurd.


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME OP t1_ja1xxhr wrote

You got about as much sense as a bird flying in the sky. There’s a lot that bird don't know though it don’t change the fact the world is happening to him all the same


sinncab6 t1_ja2lvo6 wrote

Something tells me you've never lived through an era with sharp rate hikes. Hint: The market corrects itself and it takes a while.


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME OP t1_ja5443i wrote

Please tell me you have puts currently so I know who I am betting against


sinncab6 t1_ja6zp7i wrote

On what companies? Because I've got puts and calls you can in fact play both sides


cl0wn_w0rld t1_ja3uljr wrote

I just re-read your OP and i am sure how it equates to "the course of your life is changing and you dont see it"

there is a lot more going on than consumer credit card debt. consumers are spending and keeping things proped up because they feel good about their job and income security. once unemployment kicks up a little bit and the layoffs spread to other industries and main st, people will stop spending.