
cl0wn_w0rld t1_ja3uljr wrote

I just re-read your OP and i am sure how it equates to "the course of your life is changing and you dont see it"

there is a lot more going on than consumer credit card debt. consumers are spending and keeping things proped up because they feel good about their job and income security. once unemployment kicks up a little bit and the layoffs spread to other industries and main st, people will stop spending.


cl0wn_w0rld t1_j6nhzbp wrote

thanks, i thought it was based on Lehman Brothers but there were some things in the movie that didnt match up, for one being the fact the company is implied to survive in the movie by being "first". Since Lehman didnt survive and was a major bag holder, it didnt match up.

However Fuld/Tuld seems pretty straightforward lol.


cl0wn_w0rld t1_j6kq1a7 wrote

Was this movie based on any real company during the financial crisis? Did any bank really see it last minute and dump all their shit? i know people were buying CDS, but i dont recall hearing about anyone triggering the MBS meltdown by unwinding their position in 1 day.