Submitted by sylphvanas t3_120z3cs in wallstreetbets
VisualMod t1_jdjl5w6 wrote
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Total Submissions | 10 | First Seen In WSB | 4 years ago |
Total Comments | 833 | Previous Best DD | |
Account Age | 5 years | [^scan ^comment ]( | [^scan ^submission ]( |
VisualMod t1_jdjl6gu wrote
I do not recommend buying or selling any options on FRC. The market is currently overvalued and I believe it will correct itself in the near future.
Puzzleheaded_Hat7525 t1_jdjm9si wrote
Shut up, Meg
[deleted] t1_jdjo5ib wrote
Fucking legend
[deleted] t1_jdjoy5m wrote
nestinghen t1_jdjqea3 wrote
Fair enough
[deleted] t1_jdjsbak wrote
memestockwatchlist t1_jdjsqc3 wrote
Selling puts for all of the downside but none of the upside, welcome home brother
sylphvanas OP t1_jdjt4oi wrote
25% ROI in 1 week is no upside?
wadafruck t1_jdjtqlz wrote
You seem like a complete idiot....
Because im all in FRC and im a complete idiot ahhahaha
HT32 t1_jdjubzg wrote
Stop using Robinhood!
[deleted] t1_jdjui3t wrote
literallynegative t1_jdjvxhc wrote
Inb4 100% gone in a day.
sylphvanas OP t1_jdjx2tn wrote
Lol I made 2k on 2DTE puts I sold this Wednesday. What could go wrong?
scott_jr t1_jdjx913 wrote
>IRA Match $65.00
RangerMark3 t1_jdjyu30 wrote
Imagine having a Roth with robinhood
OrdinaryBlueberry340 t1_jdjzv27 wrote
Sounds like a good idea tbh
HomosapianDaGreekGod t1_jdk0b9e wrote
all fun till she rockets lmao
sylphvanas OP t1_jdk0uku wrote
I want it to rocket wym?
HomosapianDaGreekGod t1_jdk0wd6 wrote
in the inverse direction lol
sylphvanas OP t1_jdk0xoa wrote
Only way that happens is if the stonk goes to 0
DraconisRex t1_jdk12ia wrote
Forward-Sprinkles165 t1_jdk16vn wrote
Fuck Ye
Niceiceniceice t1_jdk1ayq wrote
Robinhood is dog but as a wealthsimple degen i do wish i had that awesome looking colour scheme
[deleted] t1_jdk4e6v wrote
sylphvanas OP t1_jdk4hky wrote
Yes, in RH IRA for degens
[deleted] t1_jdk4ino wrote
Tacticalhippy t1_jdk6pmv wrote
With gambling problems
Tacticalhippy t1_jdk6tko wrote
I think it’ll happen pretty quick to mid 20s
Comfortable-Spell-75 t1_jdk7yfd wrote
Putrid_Pollution3455 t1_jdkaigw wrote
I should inverse this so one of us can retire
brad9991 t1_jdkbhhv wrote
Is this a Robinhood IRA? You belong here
brad9991 t1_jdkbo6k wrote
I bought the initial dip and sold on the bounce for 60% in 24 hours. Sit down kid
v4luble t1_jdkc0wp wrote
When I saw robinhood I knew this was gonna be brilliant.
shortputz t1_jdkcwn3 wrote
I’d agree that IV is juicy.. 💦
_PM_me_your_MOONs_ t1_jdkcx0q wrote
God speed
cryptohorn t1_jdkedyk wrote
I hope it does but why do you think pretty quick?
Ethereal_Nutsack t1_jdkkorf wrote
Don’t judge. It’s more than my $0 match
MammothLover21 t1_jdklmzm wrote
Wsb selling naked FRC puts now. This is how I know FRC has more room to tank.
bittabet t1_jdkm0v4 wrote
Or it delists and you can’t assign especially in an IRA since even brokers that allow shorting for assignment need you to post collateral. Look at how screwed the signature bank put holders were 😂
Cutefairy1999 t1_jdknkrz wrote
Good new is u got some retirement money
kthump4 t1_jdkpbx9 wrote
BuyLowThenSellLower t1_jdkpttl wrote
Overvalued to buy, then sell Overvalued to sell, then buy Simple as that, can't be Overvalued both ways...
[deleted] t1_jdkqdmi wrote
[deleted] t1_jdkqg07 wrote
CrowdGoesWildWoooo t1_jdks1qu wrote
I think it is safer depositing money in FRC than managed by you
cellyfarmgod t1_jdku8rt wrote
I was thinking this too like wow this guy really belongs here
[deleted] t1_jdkwvzk wrote
surrationalSD t1_jdkzbav wrote
Literally shocked people make bets this speculative.
GreedyGuard2660 t1_jdl5cm2 wrote
FiOdyssey t1_jdl6oyf wrote
You must be new here
Billyshakes1597 t1_jdlb95m wrote
I can't wait to beat it to this loss porn
DonCh1nga5 t1_jdlbcxa wrote
Burn baby burn
BossBackground104 t1_jdljquy wrote
It could work. Probably won't, but it could.
galapin69 t1_jdlz0os wrote
Good play bro trust me
Flyingcars2050 t1_jdlza4o wrote
No one fucking asked
[deleted] t1_jdm0410 wrote
brad9991 t1_jdm1jwo wrote
Sir, this is WSB. I think you were looking for Wendy's
Expensive_Web_8534 t1_jdm3nns wrote
I should be the broker between you two so I can retire.
Putrid_Pollution3455 t1_jdmjhug wrote
Wise_Reception2672 t1_jdmpds4 wrote
a tax heaven retirement account.. which can potentially turn into a chapter 11 if FRC goes under.
1200mademeaCommie t1_jdmrhrb wrote
Works til it doesnt
Self-Aware-Sentient t1_jdn9woe wrote
Your retirement is looking bright
BigoKompenso t1_jdnfmf0 wrote
sackha t1_jdni9d7 wrote US Mulls More Support for Banks While Giving First Republic Time
Stack_Johnson t1_jdnsvlr wrote
“All in” and “YOLO” and you’re showing me covered calls? Boo this cuck
Albert0824 t1_jdoc39g wrote
You realize OP sold puts? He’d have shares assigned if they ended up in the money. All IRA’s I know of only allow CSEPs not naked puts. So basically if it delist and Long put holders can’t short this guy keeps all premium…unless he gets the short end of the stick and someone who actually owns shares uses their put.
jaylenz t1_jdodtub wrote
You should see the guy who just lost 100k selling 125p’s on FRC, bet you’ll lose -400% too
compounding-panda t1_jdpptx3 wrote
at east not 100k this time
Wolf_of_Walmart t1_jdrphr5 wrote
It’s not naked - Roth IRA has to be cash secured
Ok_Edge_1486 t1_jdvrebq wrote
Bro really made a bet against a bank being bailed out... mega regard.
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