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TheMonkeyPickler t1_jdecwz0 wrote

Can you do it? maybe. Can you do it without going to jail? Probably not


Highlanderlynx t1_jdedoip wrote

Really? Thiel managed to do it without going to jail.


TopXKiller t1_jdej0o3 wrote


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


TiredPistachio t1_jdhdk2p wrote

Look I don't like Thiel, but its more like whispering to your buddies "hey i think there might be a fire, lets get out of this building" vs OP wanting to scream "FIRE!!!!!"


attorneyatslaw t1_jdejm2b wrote

A few states have laws against falsely disparaging a bank, but generally you can't get convicted, for First Amendment reasons, unless you are acting with actual malice. Unfortunately, doing this to drive a personal profit of your puts is pretty much the definition of malice.


RMN1999_V2 t1_jdecenz wrote

No one who matters is going to believe that JPM is running out of money. Same with C and BAC, etc.


ArtichokePower t1_jdeddxi wrote

Governments around the world have programs to destabilize their enemies via social media and programs to censure or prevent such attempts (including the united states). Its doubtful that you could achieve anything meaningful unless u are already an influencer with a large following. More likely ull end up on a fbi watchlist


VisualMod t1_jdec7c9 wrote

>It's possible that you could create a bot that would post fearmongering messages about banks running out of money, but it's also possible that people would see through the deception and not take your advice. If you're serious about trying to incite a bank run, then I suggest doing more research into how to make your bots seem convincing and realistic.


loldraftingaid t1_jded4ts wrote

What you're describing would just be a normal bank run


bunq t1_jdeceh4 wrote

Very easy, very fun. Haven’t you watched the simpsons?


NaisA- t1_jdee59o wrote

He's right here guys.


Ok_Mud6970 t1_jdekh0r wrote

A bank run is a situation where a large number of customers withdraw their deposits from a bank at the same time because they believe that the bank may become insolvent. It is possible to artificially start a bank run by creating a bot that would post fearmongering messages about banks running out of money, but it's also possible that people would see through the deception and not take your advice.


cnvnsh t1_jdecykc wrote

Puts? Really? I know its wsb, but i would expect a scoop up of at least BAC stocks and not puts. I mean real shares, something you can’t touch but feel (mentaly).


SirLeaf t1_jdeef9c wrote

ChatGPT wouldn’t answer this so OP posted it here.

Yes, in practice this would be resisted, although resistance to withdrawals essentially means the bank run was consummated


UnknownOneManArmy t1_jdehzf4 wrote

If your concerns make sense and you discovered/realised something important before the majority of people then yes.


garycow t1_jdeihrw wrote

soyboy? you belong here


VisualMod t1_jdejpvb wrote

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