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lrrc49 t1_iuhwm1k wrote

the second china starts loading up boats a fraction of the usa navy will just go and chill out in between the two countries.

Ain't no way an invasion is actually going to happen.


H3rbert_K0rnfeld t1_iui5xne wrote

No way would Russia invade Ukraine. Yet here we are.


lrrc49 t1_iuiam6z wrote

Yeah and the response and subsequent gutting of the Russian economy should serve as a deterrent.


IcarusOnReddit t1_iuibwni wrote

Couldn’t China just blackmail American politicians to not do anything like Russia did with Trump and others?


lrrc49 t1_iuicvk1 wrote

depends on if they have enough legit blackmail on enough key politicians.

The military industrial complex is also a huge lobby and would certainly push to send resources (and Taiwan is arming up as we speak $$).


IcarusOnReddit t1_iuigbke wrote

Hmmm. Hard to say. I think it’s safe to say that Russian blackmail/bribes are an influential factor on the GOP versus the dems, but have we seen enough to know what the pressure situation is in China? Speaking of money, is it good for Chinese stocks if Rs win the midterms? Does Russian influence carry over to China in a similar manner for US politicians? Will NIO be great again?
