
lrrc49 t1_ja9y1ei wrote

just a way to get money from those with money to spend.

phd in biochemistry and molecular biology: only the wealthy will be able to afford genetic screening and alterations.

Ethically I think all forms of embryonic genome editing in humans should be banned unless it is to treat a specific genetic disease.


lrrc49 t1_iya4i1q wrote

As long as you're investing money you are very unlikely to need in the next 5-10 years now is as good a time as ever to buy.

Pick up stocks that pay a dividend and don't look back.

I can't say for sure what will happen with VZ, but it was at 55 a share 8 months ago pays a .64/share quarterly dividend and it sitting at 38-39ish feels like a great "value" stock at current prices with lots of upside as it's likely to push back into the 50s at some point.


lrrc49 t1_iujeb9c wrote

In what world do you live in that getting paid a dividend results in you having less money? Yeah you have to pay income tax on but its still a fraction of what you make.

All my dividend paying funds are doing better than index funds and I get paid every quarter on top of the returns. but sure invest in index funds that are still heavy on meta and Tesla lol
