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VisualMod t1_iu2o1tf wrote

>This is true, Jim Cramer. Technology companies have had it good for a long time and they are not used to dealing with recessions. However, I believe that they will eventually adapt and find ways to prosper even in tough economic times.


biggerarmsthanyou t1_iu2o947 wrote

THANK GOD, phew. Had me worried there for a minute. With this, I can go back to a perma bull.


agri707 t1_iu2ofwt wrote

Call options on tech, puts on everything else?


Puzzleheaded_Sir1273 t1_iu2q1hn wrote

I think Cramer has finally been broken. He was sucking so much Meta cock that he can’t decipher up from down. He’s inversing himself.


Observ1 t1_iu2q6l4 wrote

Was not he crying like a bitch this morning for being so wrong. The guy has no shame.


Altairandrew t1_iu2qyfq wrote

What he is missing is that their part of the recession will be short. Advertising is always the first cost to cut BEFORE people. Good people are hard to find, they need to be staffed.


LordoftheExiled t1_iu2syql wrote

My day as a "insert tech company highly paid " do nothing, do nothing, do nothing. Do 1 hr of work, do 45 min circle jerk meeting on zoom. eat lunch, do yoga, do nothing for 4 more hours. Get drunk.


BrazakAttack t1_iu2vftj wrote

Cramer is such an idiot. He's called the bottom numerous times already.


Cockballzz t1_iu2xqnp wrote

Cramer is right when he's bearish but he's wrong when he's bullish. Be careful jerks img


granlyn t1_iu2yt0n wrote

To be fair, this is a pretty reasonable take. The last decade they've basically had free money to invest and no one cared about their ability to turn a profit since borrowing was so cheap. Newer tech companies are gonna struggle in this inflationary environment, but established giants will gobble them up and just become that much more valuable down the road.


fpcoffee t1_iu302jl wrote

Recession’s cancelled, boys. Calls r back on the menu


gnnr25 t1_iu3c03l wrote

Bears in shambles


darthwd56 t1_iu3f7av wrote

Damn. Time to buy tech. Oh wait most them cause some fking independence issue or the other. Fk this.


uslfd_w t1_iu3fnzo wrote

Interpretation: Tech will be the last to see the recession. The real drop has not begun


MoreOfAnOvalJerk t1_iu3fqo1 wrote

All biden’s people when asked about a recession should just point to Cramers post and not say anything else.


omen_tenebris t1_iu3h1u1 wrote

Sure. The people that solve the most complex tasks on the planet have no idea how to solve it.


Swedeshooters t1_iu3k4rj wrote

Unfortunately this is one of maybe 2-3 times in his hole life he’s been right…


dinglebarrybonds t1_iu3mc1z wrote

Tech isn’t doing that bad, it was just too high before


M-2-M t1_iu3t7j5 wrote

Haha expert opinion Cramer. How about AMZN retail dealing with recession buddy ?


Valuesauce t1_iu3vpoh wrote

Recession for everything but tech stocks which all double their ATH


B9F2FF t1_iu3xb1x wrote

To no ones surprise, he is wrong again. AAPL and MSFT are going pretty strong still. GOOG missed, but their revenues and net profits are still through the roof, record breaking oil companis would give their arms and legs for those numbers.

AMZN...well lets just say that tech part is keeping them alive atm.

META is really the only one he has point on which is funny because he used to shill on that one mostly. Newsflash - Metaverse is crap, and you have been sold a dummy. Zuck pured billions into fugazzi scheme and other aspects of business, which were going extremely strong partialy because of COVID staying at home thingey are now gone (and tiktok is getting more popular) soo...tought luck, but his point doesnt stand.


Ayahuasca-Dreamin t1_iu57ixt wrote

Feels like the market is just correcting itself from a pandemic bull run. The real recession hasn’t even started


DeineZehe t1_iu59pzv wrote

Easy, the 50+ year old senior software or system engineers around me don't have any idea what they're doing. The amount of times they just spew bullshit to cover their ass is insane. But they get 4x my salary FML


B-Rythm t1_iu6gd3n wrote

It’s fucking amazing how this guy is wrong. Every single time. I have been really contemplating taking a couple hundred bucks, and trying some plays the exact opposite of what he says. I’d have a winning streak like Pelosi!


May_Ape t1_iu6tsov wrote

Tech companies about to dump


H3rbert_K0rnfeld t1_iu70sc3 wrote

What have they been dealing with?

  • Fear of change?
  • Redundant / unnecessary process?
  • Overscale?
  • Out of control spending?
  • Terrible productivity?
  • Employees stealing printing resources??