Submitted by Such-Combination5046 t3_yhsoyx in wallstreetbets
Such-Combination5046 OP t1_iufidfx wrote
I predict if Lula wins, the price of lumber will go up.
komidor64 t1_iufjr0i wrote
The price of everything goes up under a commie
KadeejaNeigh t1_iufmk80 wrote
Lula won. God help my country.
Goojus t1_iufms2t wrote
Lol get fucked loser, he’s probably gonna get you morons out of a recession faster than the EU
raxazanorkaz t1_iufo5gb wrote
Can you buy calls on this election? Otherwise I’m unsure how to process this ?
Wait I can bet on it …
KadeejaNeigh t1_iuforu2 wrote
You are delusional. Brazil won’t be headed out of recession, they will be headed to stand right beside Venezuela. He might be a lame duck right now, so that’s a plus. Have a great day!🥰
bigoptionwhale777 t1_iufp1wm wrote
Excuse me this is fantasy liberal land. Venezuela and Cuba are wonderful beautiful places to live and people never leave there to come to the United States or Canada or other countries
Goojus t1_iufpuv4 wrote
I’m pretty sure venezuela and cuba have US embargos and sanctions making it shit. Also cia led coups in venezuela didn’t help the situation
Goojus t1_iufq4yu wrote
Well, bolsonaro was planning on creating a cataclysmic effect by taking out the rainforest and creating pig farms for you. You are what you eat, oink oink. So idc, anything is better than that lizard
JFSM01 t1_iufqox2 wrote
Yeah, you are right about getting them out of the recession, out of there and into 100% yearly inflation you fucking moron
JFSM01 t1_iufqrm4 wrote
You are late, lula already won
[deleted] t1_iufr7av wrote
JFSM01 t1_iufrar9 wrote
You can short pbr because of the economic implications of having a socialist cocksucker in office
Goojus t1_iufrvb9 wrote
Shit’s expensive as fuck right now under capitalism tho?
KadeejaNeigh t1_iufs7qt wrote
🥰Jeezus. You are delusional and misinformed, and talking about things you know absolutely nothing about. I don’t even have to insult you, you are already making yourself look like idiot. Have a great day! 🥰 would you like cute little piggie hugs? Oink 🐷!
olek2507 t1_iufsqsn wrote
The US embargo's don't apply to medicine and food. Check out apex traveller going to Venezuela, you'll get a first hand look at how depressing that country is in.
stiveooo t1_iufto4n wrote
all that use the venezuela thing are morons, you dont even know why vzla is that way, brazil wont change much, it wont even become like argentina.
the key now is how brazil will do in 2023 during a crisis
GuavaClassic8205 t1_iufv6xr wrote
PETR puts go bbbbbrrrrrrr!
guiltypooh t1_iufv82w wrote
Is the Miss Bumbum competition still going to be held?
throwaway0891245 t1_iufwbs4 wrote
Those two are the best Brazil had to offer?! lmao
thatguy201717 t1_iufww7z wrote
Autocrats lose again 🤷🏽♂️
Duckbutter2000 t1_iufyu6h wrote
No he's going to turn Brazil into Venezuela.
Such-Combination5046 OP t1_iufzu0a wrote
Like we're (USA) doing any better? 😆 🤣 😂
DistributedIntellect t1_iug11x0 wrote
Funny, thats private businesses deciding to charge more
[deleted] t1_iug1l6e wrote
OkEntertainment7634 t1_iug1z6x wrote
Oh boy, it’s about to get even worse like everything else is getting
CemetaryWind t1_iug3a7d wrote
You forgot about the Soy market. Brazil is the largest producer of Soy and just created a self imposed bottleneck on it's Soy production.
RetardedStockTrader t1_iug3hti wrote
Are you saying Kamala Harris isn't fit to be VP? It's because she's a black woman right? Not because everything she touches gets fucked faster than boys in a locker room with Joe Paterno?
What's your deal, man?
throwaway0891245 t1_iug6zjv wrote
I guess it is true, people really are the same all over.
Cmdr_Ferrus_Cor t1_iug7zls wrote
Ah yes, my favourite reddit pasttime: when capitalism is socialism.
Brave-Victory-3632 t1_iugbqhn wrote
Communist globalists have infiltrated governments around the world. The conditions they have created are very far from free market capitalism. The high prices are a direct result of their strong centralized control
One-Wait-8383 t1_iugdh1g wrote
This is not your woke sub where you can abuse someone just because you don’t agree with their opinion. Go shit on the subs where your kinds are celebrated.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugdi9g wrote
Are you Null? Under him when he was president PBR was up over 1000% and that’s after the 2008 financial crisis. At its peak, it was up 2.7k%. Whatever you don’t like you name it “socialism” or “communism” get your head out of your ass
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugdr82 wrote
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iuge3bh wrote
PBR was up over 1000% when he was the president. You’re just another conservative 🍆 eater. You're 🐏 don’t worry you’re just like the magas here
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iuge7ho wrote
Another uneducated opinion, to boost your ego up 😂
JFSM01 t1_iugejjc wrote
You are kidding right? That was under the largest fucking bubble in the last 50 years, you won’t find a single company that wasn’t bloated to oblivion. After that petrobras slowly bleed until 2016
Tendies_and_Mac t1_iugemx8 wrote
Calls on PBR ?
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugf4mv wrote
Lol always with an excuse.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugf9c5 wrote
I’m not surprised I knew were going to say something silly like that. Hey, little shorty just watch then get back to me in 4 years.
Goojus t1_iugkdy6 wrote
Abuse you in what way? U already have self inflicted brain damage. I’m not makin it worse
theloadedquestion t1_iugkrv5 wrote
It was kind of like a trump v biden race, no real winners only degrees of losing. Whether you think this outcome or the other is the bigger loss is a matter of opinion but its definitely no big victory for the people of Brazil. Best of luck brothers.
olek2507 t1_iugku9n wrote
Correction not apex traveler, it is indigo traveler.
It's funny how people who don't live in Venezuela, don't know anyone from Venezuela, blame the country's problem on the US. But everytime someone who lives in or has lived in Venezuela says that the US is not the reason why Venezuela is doing so poorly. People who sit on their phones and computers all day live in a bubble and don't want to admit the realities of the world.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugmbf4 wrote
That’s not true! How do I know your story is legit? Also, I know Venezuelan people. There is no secret they come for a better life, but the sanctions have killed them. The problem is not whether they are capitalist or communist, the problem is the corruption of government officials. One can argue that you see that in capitalist and socialist economy.
olek2507 t1_iugmxf9 wrote
And do you see a pattern with socialistic governments? The result is always the same. Cuba, North korea, China, USSR, poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Venezuela, Republic of Congo, Czech Republic, Vietnam, etc. Communism is just a theory like utopia, put it in power and governments always act the same, because with absolute power, corrupts absolutely.
It's not my story, it's the people of Venezuela's story.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugn7ob wrote
I believe in the free market, but I also believe in social welfare programs as well. Funny how you name those countries, but not Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, and etc.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugnchm wrote
Love how silly you are down arrowing me. Yet you cocksuckers claim you guys want free speech.
olek2507 t1_iugnqfv wrote
What does down voting you have to to do with free speech? It doesn't censor you like the Venezuelan government does and you ar3 spreading misinformation blaming the corruption of the government on us sanctions when they don't block food or medicines. This is common facts and easily found out with a simple search, yet you still peddle it. If you truly knew Venezuelans, you would know they all know their economic woes have nothing to do with the usa.
olek2507 t1_iugnwqi wrote
I put etc, which you failed to notice. I bet you think those Scandinavian countries are democratic socialist as well, repeating what Bernie touts.
olek2507 t1_iugo0ay wrote
You're also free to down vote me as well. Would that mean you don't believe in free speech as well if you down voted me? Lol
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugo466 wrote
Obviously you’re out of it, I’m not saying their government are saint. They are in power and will do anything to stay in power. But you forget to mention the US sanctions, so that has nothing to do it? Give me break
olek2507 t1_iugobi1 wrote
Ccp has their tentacles all over the world. I'm from Canada and it was recently reported, the ccp opened 3 police stations in Toronto, the capital of Ontario.
olek2507 t1_iugohms wrote
I just mentioned twice that the embargo's don't apply to food and medicine. What i didnt state before, commie, is that the sanctions are towards the corrupt government officials not the people.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugoliu wrote
I’m not sure to be honest, but I’m saying if we all pay taxes, why can’t that go to the citizens? What’s wrong with providing healthcare to lower income folks? We all pay taxes the money should be spend on citizens
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugopi6 wrote
Do you know what Democratic socialism is? Are all professions paid the same? Does government make business decisions?
olek2507 t1_iugopw8 wrote
The issue is you can't trust the government with that amount of money, most of it goes to their sponsors pockets and whatever is left goes to the people.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugornf wrote
I only did it when I saw you did.
olek2507 t1_iugorpg wrote
Scandinavian countries are market economies, not democratic socialist.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugou9n wrote
But it’s not an embargo, it’s sancations. Two different things
olek2507 t1_iugoxwo wrote
Do you understand the difference between a market economy and democratic socialist economy?
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugoztt wrote
I agree, that what pisses me off, but if we hold them accountable. Let me ask you this do you support in those services assuming the element of theft and corruption is eliminated?
olek2507 t1_iugp1rl wrote
So you're incapable of independent thought, just follow others around, even those you don't agree with. Gotcha, sheep. You played yourself.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugp3wi wrote
Which I believe that’s the right thing.
olek2507 t1_iugp59a wrote
Sanctions don't apply to food and medicine, look it up. Public electricity and water is stolen by the government to sell to highest bidder. This is what people living in Venezuela, consistently state.
olek2507 t1_iugpbrr wrote
I'm having trouble understanding the wording of your statement. Especially the last part. Can you elaborate? Lack of accountability and weak leadership is 2 biggest problems in governments all over the world. If politicians knew there were consequences for their actions, we would be living in a different world.
olek2507 t1_iugpfxc wrote
Ok so enough of spreading of this democratic socialist bs, it's not true and the dutch minister of finance has explicitly stated they are a market economy, not a democratic socialist one.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugpg8d wrote
Yes I know. SD = achieving social welfare programs through taxes and other things government can decide on while ME- is through more like entrepreneurship, basically free market
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugpk8z wrote
I just did it cause you did. You’re whole family is sheep. Don’t call me that little Goof
olek2507 t1_iugpkt4 wrote
And we all know when you have a free market, you give citizens more options without government red tape, free to create their own destiny and better opportunities to thrive. Depend too much on the government and opportunities dissipate.
olek2507 t1_iugpnq2 wrote
You ought to do things you believe in, not because someone else did. That shows independent thought, which you are incapable of doing at times like this.
olek2507 t1_iugpppc wrote
Goof lol nice one, finally, some original thought.
OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugpr27 wrote
I’m saying that they need to be held accountable
olek2507 t1_iugpuri wrote
Not just in Venezuela, but all over the world.
random6969696969691 t1_iugt845 wrote
So because a lot of wsb is crying because lula won I think that is time to look for Brazilian companies that are listed in USA, or even invest directly there.
g3neraL5 t1_iugubwp wrote
I can only assume pbr is professional bull riders since half of them are Brazilian.
MemesGamingInc t1_iuh83qe wrote
You expect Americans to know anything besides the bare minimum from their own state.
Mobile_Donkey_6924 t1_iuh9w2p wrote
Except hookers when there’s no other work to be had
Hereformoonrides t1_iui664y wrote
Another WEF puppet in "power"
VisualMod t1_iufi9t3 wrote