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raxazanorkaz t1_iufo5gb wrote

Can you buy calls on this election? Otherwise I’m unsure how to process this ?

Wait I can bet on it …


KadeejaNeigh t1_iuforu2 wrote

You are delusional. Brazil won’t be headed out of recession, they will be headed to stand right beside Venezuela. He might be a lame duck right now, so that’s a plus. Have a great day!🥰


Goojus t1_iufq4yu wrote

Well, bolsonaro was planning on creating a cataclysmic effect by taking out the rainforest and creating pig farms for you. You are what you eat, oink oink. So idc, anything is better than that lizard


Goojus t1_iufroiy wrote

Can the pro bolsonaro fans show us your positions, i wanna do the opposite of what you guys do


KadeejaNeigh t1_iufs7qt wrote

🥰Jeezus. You are delusional and misinformed, and talking about things you know absolutely nothing about. I don’t even have to insult you, you are already making yourself look like idiot. Have a great day! 🥰 would you like cute little piggie hugs? Oink 🐷!


olek2507 t1_iufsqsn wrote

The US embargo's don't apply to medicine and food. Check out apex traveller going to Venezuela, you'll get a first hand look at how depressing that country is in.


stiveooo t1_iufto4n wrote

all that use the venezuela thing are morons, you dont even know why vzla is that way, brazil wont change much, it wont even become like argentina.

the key now is how brazil will do in 2023 during a crisis


Danijust2 t1_iufu64s wrote

"The New York Times ofrece su cobertura también en español."


What is the point? They speak Portuguese, not spanish in Brazil.


guiltypooh t1_iufv82w wrote

Is the Miss Bumbum competition still going to be held?


Brave-Victory-3632 t1_iugbqhn wrote

Communist globalists have infiltrated governments around the world. The conditions they have created are very far from free market capitalism. The high prices are a direct result of their strong centralized control


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugdi9g wrote

Are you Null? Under him when he was president PBR was up over 1000% and that’s after the 2008 financial crisis. At its peak, it was up 2.7k%. Whatever you don’t like you name it “socialism” or “communism” get your head out of your ass


JFSM01 t1_iugejjc wrote

You are kidding right? That was under the largest fucking bubble in the last 50 years, you won’t find a single company that wasn’t bloated to oblivion. After that petrobras slowly bleed until 2016


theloadedquestion t1_iugkrv5 wrote

It was kind of like a trump v biden race, no real winners only degrees of losing. Whether you think this outcome or the other is the bigger loss is a matter of opinion but its definitely no big victory for the people of Brazil. Best of luck brothers.


olek2507 t1_iugku9n wrote

Correction not apex traveler, it is indigo traveler.

It's funny how people who don't live in Venezuela, don't know anyone from Venezuela, blame the country's problem on the US. But everytime someone who lives in or has lived in Venezuela says that the US is not the reason why Venezuela is doing so poorly. People who sit on their phones and computers all day live in a bubble and don't want to admit the realities of the world.


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugmbf4 wrote

That’s not true! How do I know your story is legit? Also, I know Venezuelan people. There is no secret they come for a better life, but the sanctions have killed them. The problem is not whether they are capitalist or communist, the problem is the corruption of government officials. One can argue that you see that in capitalist and socialist economy.


olek2507 t1_iugmxf9 wrote

And do you see a pattern with socialistic governments? The result is always the same. Cuba, North korea, China, USSR, poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Venezuela, Republic of Congo, Czech Republic, Vietnam, etc. Communism is just a theory like utopia, put it in power and governments always act the same, because with absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

It's not my story, it's the people of Venezuela's story.


olek2507 t1_iugnqfv wrote

What does down voting you have to to do with free speech? It doesn't censor you like the Venezuelan government does and you ar3 spreading misinformation blaming the corruption of the government on us sanctions when they don't block food or medicines. This is common facts and easily found out with a simple search, yet you still peddle it. If you truly knew Venezuelans, you would know they all know their economic woes have nothing to do with the usa.


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugo466 wrote

Obviously you’re out of it, I’m not saying their government are saint. They are in power and will do anything to stay in power. But you forget to mention the US sanctions, so that has nothing to do it? Give me break


olek2507 t1_iugohms wrote

I just mentioned twice that the embargo's don't apply to food and medicine. What i didnt state before, commie, is that the sanctions are towards the corrupt government officials not the people.


OpeningTruck2212 t1_iugoliu wrote

I’m not sure to be honest, but I’m saying if we all pay taxes, why can’t that go to the citizens? What’s wrong with providing healthcare to lower income folks? We all pay taxes the money should be spend on citizens


olek2507 t1_iugp59a wrote

Sanctions don't apply to food and medicine, look it up. Public electricity and water is stolen by the government to sell to highest bidder. This is what people living in Venezuela, consistently state.


olek2507 t1_iugpbrr wrote

I'm having trouble understanding the wording of your statement. Especially the last part. Can you elaborate? Lack of accountability and weak leadership is 2 biggest problems in governments all over the world. If politicians knew there were consequences for their actions, we would be living in a different world.


olek2507 t1_iugpfxc wrote

Ok so enough of spreading of this democratic socialist bs, it's not true and the dutch minister of finance has explicitly stated they are a market economy, not a democratic socialist one.


olek2507 t1_iugpkt4 wrote

And we all know when you have a free market, you give citizens more options without government red tape, free to create their own destiny and better opportunities to thrive. Depend too much on the government and opportunities dissipate.


random6969696969691 t1_iugt845 wrote

So because a lot of wsb is crying because lula won I think that is time to look for Brazilian companies that are listed in USA, or even invest directly there.