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CutDiscombobulated95 t1_ixncqee wrote

One year, years ago, when Bitcoin was at 3000-4500 and going up, I told EVERYONE to invest, family, work friends, my boss.

i WAS YOUNG, and it took over my personality, I had .8 BTC

When It was at 12000, I was sort of acted excited and continued to tell them,

Noone invested.

It went to 80,0000.

Everyone hated me for it,


Little do they know I sold half at 16,000 and other half at 8000 so I barely made money.


skilliard7 t1_ixnuwgs wrote

I was hyping up Bitcoin my senior year of highschool when it was like $100. Telling everyone that it's the next big thing. Had to come up with post graduation plans to get my degree(was a requirement). I said I wanted to mine a bunch of Bitcoin and develop blockchain software. Was told I needed a "real plan" to either go to college or join the military.

Shortly after I graduated, my Bitcoin wallet got corrupted, and after I managed to salvage it, I got frustrated and decided to just spend everything to buy games because I was frustrated, and move on.

When Bitcoin ran up to $50,000, I had a lot of people reaching out to me to ask me for money, crypto advice, etc. Was awkward to explain that no, I am not a crypto millionaire, and didn't follow my own advice.


SatoshiNakamoto21 t1_ixnz4dc wrote

That’s an interesting story. Thanks for sharing it. I think that such stories have an important role in the Bitcoin ecosystem, since they are contributing to the ethos.


[deleted] t1_ixortx6 wrote



kuprenx t1_ixq53gs wrote

how long does that ocy last?,,,, asking for a friend


Byakuraou t1_ixqi9gm wrote

i can’t lie to the average person 1-6 mil is within the same ballpark


maximus312659 t1_ixs35v9 wrote

Found out about bitcoin when needing to buy few things while back from certain “famous” website. Was impressed by BTC and read a lot about the technology, never crossed my mind to buy and hold… I think at the time BTC was less than 100$… was beating myself for not buying and holding, until I realized that I would have lost it all due to quadriga scam eventually lol…