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WendysFryCook OP t1_iy7c3us wrote

It would take years just to build the infrastructure to begin supporting ourselves. We'd be fucked


captainmcfuckface t1_iy8dt94 wrote

not really. we turned up the industry to produce more than the world combined in under 2 years with fewer resources and way less capital during WW2.

We currently have thousands of vacant factories and hungry rust belt communities eager to jump on such a move. It’d be an easier transition than you think. A few years of annoyance and stagnation and what not, but considering we can get most anything from somewhere else, it’d for the largest part be a management scramble and doubling of costs until we are back on line.


hyldemarv t1_iybw6lp wrote

Leaving crumbs on the table for workers is Heathen Communism and simply not The American Way.

One cannot easily change Culture! Even here and now people are not advocating for being independent of China, they want to dominate it.