Submitted by Dull_Ad1955 t3_zyt0jl in wallstreetbets

Everyone seems to enjoy posting “loss porn” here. I’ve been lurking for a long time but thought I would also add my woes to the pot. I got into trading back in 2020 and saw incredible gains. It seemed very easy at the time and my confidence grew. Even with COVID grinding the world economy to a halt, my share prices kept going up. Most of my investments were in tech and at one stage I was almost 200% up! I did take some profit and should have left it at that, but then I decided to dip back in and tried my hand at “penny stocks”. Unfortunately I have a job that required 100% of my attention for several weeks at a time. I saw my stocks rising high again and then foolishly didn’t see the dips and crashes coming. By the time I gave it my full attention I was down several thousand… I decided to leave it and wait for it to bounce back! Needless to say that did not happen. And I never found the balls to pull the plug at a loss. And so I watched those red numbers increase every day… I don’t know if I should realise this loss or hang in there… I suspect I’ll be looking at this account and these red numbers for several years. 😖 Lesson learned (the hard way).



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interwebzdotnet t1_j27q40o wrote

You are good at trading... You traded your money to someone else for red numbers.


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j27qsg7 wrote

Hopefully this post can serve as a warning to anyone new to trading. Do your research, invest wisely and be attentive to your investments. Don’t get cocky and don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. Also don’t base any decisions based on social media advice on investing (except for this advice!) 😂


LIthrowaway124 t1_j27s15b wrote

Or you know, invest in boring shit and don’t trade


[deleted] t1_j297t99 wrote



Acceptable_Answer570 t1_j29u1ul wrote

Boring shit isn’t meant to be sold. If they’re blue chips, they’re gonna come back around. Stop looking at them.


justme129 t1_j29qgda wrote

First, they came for my penny stocks and I thought nothing of it.

Then, they came for my large cap stocks, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't all in large cap.

Then, they came for my index funds, and now I'm broke.

Story of my life.


[deleted] t1_j28fqi7 wrote



SpambotSwatter t1_j2aybqs wrote

/u/Bothfvb is a scammer! Do not click any links they share or reply to. Please downvote their comment and click the report button, selecting Spam then Harmful bots.

With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer.

>!^(If this message seems out of context, it may be because Bothfvb is copying content to farm karma, and deletes their scam activity when called out - Read the pins on my profile for more information.)!<


UnhingedCorgi t1_j27yk37 wrote

And don’t go balls deep with all your capital right out of the gate. Learn what you’re doing first. Take at least a year with just small positions.


satuuurn t1_j29ulv4 wrote

Shut up. What were your positions? How the fuck are we supposed to learn from your dumb ass if we can’t even see what you did?


Beautiful_Cookie_639 t1_j27rq1q wrote

With 8k, you just need like 2 or 3 Yolo 0DTEs to work out for you on a volitile day and you'll be back to normal in no time


qasedrftgyh123 t1_j27t5kb wrote

This is the answer. Thank you for your service Beautiful Cookie.


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j289w0m wrote

I’ve considered it, all in or bust… I’ll need to do some serious research before attempting that though.


Praelatuz t1_j2967gr wrote

No amount of research is going to be useful, it's basically casino with more steps.


VisualMod t1_j27pujj wrote

>It sounds like you made some poor decisions when it came to trading penny stocks. You should have been more attentive to your investments and taken profits when they were available. It's hard to say whether or not you should sell at a loss, as that depends on the individual stock and market conditions. However, if your goal is simply to get rid of the red numbers in your account, then selling may be the best option.


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j27q07i wrote

That has to be the quickest reply ever… thanks for the advice.


Feisty-Season-5305 t1_j27qn27 wrote

It's a robot.


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j27qwjt wrote

I thought as much. Damn these robots are getting clever. Maybe a robot should handle my investing.


AnalogCyborg t1_j27rdkd wrote

Literally would be better at it than most of us. AI renders most human capabilities obsolete.


iprovo t1_j28dt2f wrote

Not at giving advice though. He should have told him to not gamble.


parasbyn t1_j27snlf wrote

You got this champ! we still got 8k to lose

show em' whos the boss


Multiverseer t1_j27q89t wrote

Umm it'll get better I'm sure... Dunno what to tell you. Yikes. Sorry friend.


ConstructionOk1257 t1_j27r3e3 wrote

Did you fall victim to the atlas trading pump and dump d bags on Twitter?


Letters-to-self t1_j28g1xk wrote

This is a very successful attempt at getting into trading and an even more successful attempt at getting out of trading


majestration t1_j27td6c wrote

you failed successfully 👍🏾


mazarax t1_j28062n wrote

With losses that big, I fully expected you to do stock options instead of stocks.

Congrats, you were not as regarded as I thought.


NoAd8953 t1_j288sh6 wrote

You have $8,000 to make everything back, you've come this far don't stop now.


s_mey3r t1_j290msz wrote

I will never in my life understand were at over 100k, why not cash out the profit and continue with the 30k. Of course its easy to say afterwards, but thats normally the common way to do it. If you dont cash out then, you wouldve also not cashed out at 200k or whatever, so at the end you will lose everything anyway


dagobert-dogburglar t1_j2afluh wrote

man, if i had $40k to blow it would genuinely change my life. fucking surreal watching people wipe their ass with more than some people’s yearly salary.


Fit_Target_2585 t1_j27sjmt wrote

Just do the oposite ans you will be fine!


TheRicFlairDrip t1_j288u5z wrote

your portfolio chart looks like a crack pipe ser


AutoModerator t1_j27ptud wrote

Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them!

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


SulingGo t1_j27sj9c wrote

Everyone has business being in the stock market, it's good for the economy. What no one has business doing, is picking individual stocks.


syndoms18 t1_j280dhd wrote

Invest the rest in crypto next year and you will make it back


MapleFlavourSnowmad t1_j28gbbq wrote

How is this a failure? You still have 8k. This is below mean and average wsb portfolio volatility


bartlannoeye t1_j28ioj0 wrote

You still got 8k left AND you can claim free shares!! Nothing is lost!


gmatic92 t1_j28q80a wrote

You have exactly $8,112.06 before you fail OP.

Chin up, you haven’t failed…yet.


Steve83725 t1_j28w3qo wrote

Your probably better off spending your money on hookers and coke


Wooden_Ticket_1540 t1_j294b7w wrote

I can attest lost roughly 35-40k over the span of a year options trading before I spiked it all back in 1 day on 1 call


GravitysFallen t1_j29dwjq wrote

You don’t get into trading into this sub. You get into high risks gambling. If you want to actually trade look anywhere else


mhotter26 t1_j27zex3 wrote

Should have bought index funds…


hobohill79 t1_j28097l wrote

Looks more like it got up in you Badda bing


Getsmoke1 t1_j280kdb wrote

At least you try and took that chance good luck in the future


Mother-Musician-3605 t1_j282lhs wrote

why didn’t you sell???


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j28a2mu wrote

A little voice would tell me “don’t sell at a loss, it’s surely going to go back up at some point” it didn’t.


Becs_Food_NBod t1_j28ovjt wrote

That is a years-long process, so now is not selling time with that strategy. And it's a strategy for stocks with staying power. Some of your top losses just don't have the market history for it. That's a J&J, Ford, Walmart kind of plan.


Simplevice t1_j284cg0 wrote



Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j28b4cg wrote

Here it is in a more graphical format in all its glory. Bad choices in full colour bar chart format.


Hayha360 t1_j28cfut wrote

I see the main offender... NIO. img

High five to another europoor Trading 212 ape.


AnoopAtl t1_j2c6l8z wrote

One day NIO is going to rise up, don't know how long it will take though.


DrHalfdave t1_j2dc0o6 wrote

All you needed was an equal weight of an oil stock, you may have broken even or made money.


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j28alfz wrote

Hi. This was not options trading, just straight investing. I picked some terrible choices: AAID, ALPP, ARRY, CHPT, CRSP, HCMC, HYLN, NNDM, NIO, WKHS we’re the largest proportion. They all looked promising as they went up and then they all tanked when I wasn’t looking.


Simplevice t1_j28cf1p wrote

Ah, the good old, buy and dont look strategy.


martyfox t1_j2aadmm wrote

Works great, just delete the app and hope for the best when you yolo download it in 2025. Don't forget to make a weekly buy of a penny stock to keep the account open!


ChemDude999 t1_j284exe wrote

What'd you do? Make a withdrawal?


Severe_Set5371 t1_j28asbk wrote

One trade away from being a millionaire.


No_Animator_8474 t1_j28ehqw wrote

Whats that app so I can get free shares?


AntsMakeSugar t1_j29e8vf wrote

Trading 212. You will need to follow a referral link to get the share. Inbox me if you want mine.


Friendly-Comfort7170 t1_j28gm5w wrote

Is that Trading212? The dotted line shows the capital invested I think. If this is true, at least you've withdrawn quite a chunk of your capital. Could've been much worse if you had let everything in


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j2dxcx3 wrote

Yes I did manage to get some out and it could have been a lot worse.


famguy31 t1_j28jkhr wrote

Good rule of thumb is, nothing is ever easy. If it seems too easy there is a catch somewhere. After all if it was easy then everyone would do it and everyone would make it. (Recommend more solid blue chip stocks, MSFT, HD, CVX)


ApolloTAD t1_j28ju8h wrote

Failed? It looks like you absolutely got into trading, hard!


gringo_44 t1_j28o0s7 wrote

Failed is an understatement, thats a compete disaster...


hockinThere t1_j28oonb wrote

Instead of "investments" it should say "speculation"


Background_Lemon_981 t1_j28pdl1 wrote

So a quality university is over $200,000. You are halfway through the second semester of your first year. You’ll get there.


HumbleSun9205 t1_j28plt2 wrote

Double it and give it to the next person


bestaround79 t1_j28vrok wrote

Oh you haven’t failed yet. Still have over $8k to lose. Hit up u/oneclickyoudie for proper investment tips to make it all back and more


DGriff421 t1_j28ws2t wrote

You truly belong here... Use that 8k wisely and you can easily make a comeback. YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION everyday. If you can't then that 8k will be gone too


vasesimi t1_j2916g6 wrote

And you don't even have options on trading 212. Lucky bastard, you would be at 0 with options


smricha1 t1_j293q3w wrote

Hire a broker.


X_Fiery_Jack_X t1_j296bqt wrote

You aren’t done yet still 8K to go, get to it now!


The_DaW33D_ t1_j297ale wrote

well you were born into a bull market. dont worry youre not the only one. were learning


itallendsintears t1_j298dot wrote

Sell good dope. The world will thank you. Make heroin great again.


FromMASS t1_j299o3e wrote

I thought I was pretty savvy during the bull market. I came down to earth with the down market. Lesson learned. 🤷‍♂️😊


maxwellt1996 t1_j29ao63 wrote

Press get free shares, it’s a money printer


bstylz01 t1_j29g4x2 wrote

You didn't fail yet


ikebanana t1_j29he9i wrote

Same here - 12000 $ . Wrong time at the wrong place 😃


usernamesrhardmeh t1_j29i58j wrote

Failed? Looks like you're really getting into the trading to me img


Salt_Bus2528 t1_j29ifwm wrote

If I don't count the crypto fad I'm only trading sideways and these posts make me feel not so stupid.

If. Big if.


54321Joe t1_j29l12j wrote

Nailed it 👌


Klijong_Kabadu t1_j29midq wrote

I’ve been seeing a lot of post like this on the subreddit. Maybe I’m too hopeful, but I’m also down 50%, you guys don’t think holding certain stocks down passed this crash can see positive changes in our portfolios? I started trading in 2020, but I’ve always tried to go long term but I’m starting to get worried.


Christiefresh1 t1_j29s6bd wrote

You will prob sell too like a real sucker. Most people haven’t got the balls just to hold on till the markets go back to normal it’s hilarious really 😆


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j2dxs2r wrote

I’m still holding on. But my balls are getting heavy.


Christiefresh1 t1_j2dy00z wrote

You’re money will come back just hold tight, the way I get through times like these is by pretending my money is locked in a ISA that I can’t touch and learn to forget about it for a while


MissLesGirl t1_j29x8tm wrote

Not as bad as Sam Bankman Fried


ghostthecollector t1_j29y75y wrote

The key to being great at trading is.. to not trade at all.


Dull_Ad1955 OP t1_j2dxya2 wrote

😮 wow. Good luck brother!


WAPer69 t1_j2e4p2t wrote

Wanted to help you with your wife. Show her that and maybe her anger won't be overly lol. I am heading to therapy for gambling too. Lol


Idlesmokey t1_j2a3v60 wrote

New investor here, want to start trading options definitively not at these prices lol but what’s a good game plan or something you wish you’d have known ? Thanks.


4troglodyte t1_j2a3zwk wrote

A relatively inexpensive education IF you walk away having learned the lesson. Maybe a mindset of getting rich slowly will get you to your destination. Everybody loses some of their bets…if they say no they are lying🙏🏻🙈


ThetaGangThroweway t1_j2a64jl wrote

Most people around here were into high growth stocks, myself included to a lesser degree. But that only worked due to the Federal money printer which wasn't sustainable.


rain168 t1_j2a64we wrote

There I was crying “owwie” when I lost 5K 😭


misosoupracer t1_j2a7num wrote

Invest until your account looks like a bell curve


Hamilton-Squidlegger t1_j2aikkj wrote

Did you paper trade for any amount of time before going live?


eskjcSFW t1_j2aqnk2 wrote

Do you know why you failed? Because you gave up before at least a 100% loss.


Onions_For_My_Kids t1_j2b9ol9 wrote

Don’t look at it as failure but as an opportunity.


thomson603 t1_j2bedm3 wrote

Cash out, invest in index stocks. Take this as a lesson and write off the losses.


hildyd t1_j2bxd2h wrote

May I suggest not to do this a second time !


Eastern-Ebb-5085 t1_j2c1ze4 wrote

Just do the opposite of what you think you should do and you will be a billionaire in no time


Weary-Feedback8582 t1_j2c34ei wrote

You could have been an “investor” and just bought some tech stocks and been in the same position


AnoopAtl t1_j2c6crl wrote

You did better than me I only managed to get to level -20000, you got to -30000.


Fibocrypto t1_j2de7rm wrote

You didn't fail to get into trading.


phoxmike7 t1_j2ethhy wrote

Now all you gotta do is the opposite of what you did lol


georgejk7 t1_j27wfiu wrote

Man, posts like this make me content with my 2% loss at the moment. Like everything is plummeting in price and people are getting burnt but I've just about hit break even point.

I could buy more but I'm waiting it out. I'm risk off at the moment. My savings account is giving me 7% return annually, I have no need to be risk on at the moment.