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animalover69 t1_j6krt5x wrote

A Biden re-election is pushing it. I think a DeSantis ticket would win. For perspective, nearly half of voters voted for Trump.


Dandan0005 t1_j6l1ght wrote

Trump would burn it all down before taking a back seat to desantis.

He’ll split the party, and convince his voters to stay home Vs support desantis.

Trump won the first time cause he turned out uninvolved voters while also maintaining the “hold my nose and vote for him” republicans.

The latter group would support desantis at this point, but the former won’t if the godking tells them not to.


AR475891 t1_j6l2j4i wrote

GOP has an old voter problem. They have basically put all their effort into making everyone under 45 hate them and roughly 55% of their national popular vote in 2020 was over 65. Sure some younger folks may have voted GOP in 2020 and will continue to do so but how many people do you think that voted for Biden in general during 2020 are likely to flip? Particularly young people?

Besides, roughly 55% of people who voted for trump last time were over 65 and his strongest voter demographic was silent gen members every year. In fact the only majority GOP voting group by age is over 65. Roughly 3 million people die a year naturally and that’s probably 98% old folks. Using the same participation rate of 70% for this demographic during the 2020 election They are looking to lose between 4.5-5 million voters due to deaths alone. These voters are being replaced by gen zers who vote 65 -35 Dem.

Not saying it’s impossible, but as long as the economy isnt in a deep recession DURING the election a GOP win is not likely.


YourFaceCausesMePain t1_j6llpp7 wrote

You mean all these tech companies laying off thousands of workers right now aren’t gonna sway some votes?

The economy sucks right now. And to fix it we have to have high unemployment. With so many layoffs, it’s not gonna be a bright election for the dems.


AR475891 t1_j6lpxmv wrote

I think in the past that may have been true, but things are so polarized now I would think it would have to be really really bad. The GOP fell flat on its face in 2022 in all of the states they would need to win the electoral college in 2024 in one of the worst political environments in history. Literally didn’t win a state wide race except the Nevada Gov election and that guy is not MAGA like Trump or Desantis.


YourFaceCausesMePain t1_j6ls55a wrote

The gop had terrible candidates. Look at Georgia. Kemp blew Abrams out of the water. Yet Walker was going nowhere. I think the GOP got too cocky and borked it up. Or, deliberately.


AR475891 t1_j6ltdv1 wrote

I mean Trump isn’t a terrible general election candidate? What is desantis offering people different than Trump? The GOP has a major issue in that their base has been radicalized to the point that their candidates must pass a purity test to get the nomination on things that make them unelectable.

  1. Abortion - who can win a presidential nomination for the gop without pushing for a national ban? You’ll probably even get a desperate Beto-Esque person pushing for a contraception ban.

  2. 2020 Fraud - who can win the nomination without saying the 2020 election was stolen?

  3. Any nominee but Trump - do people really think Trump will quietly fade away if he doesn’t get the nomination? He will burn down the GOP or steal away a third of their voters at a minimum in a 3rd party run if he doesn’t get it.

Again, it’s not impossible but the GOP has put themselves in a tough corner. It’s not the 1990s anymore where both parties are basically the same and the majority of people will hold their nose again for Biden over pretty much any MAGA person.


AutoModerator t1_j6ltdw3 wrote

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YourFaceCausesMePain t1_j6lv4r8 wrote

Trump won’t win a GOP election. Desantis would. He’s very conservative but not alt right. He’s what the GOP needs.

Abortion was ran out of the Supreme Court to stir shit up. Not enough people overly care about it. But it will make loud voices and that what the dems always need to win elections.

Fraud? Who care. Really. Who cares. The only way to secure an election is to win by a mile or win where it’s important.

Trump did one thing, he proved the dems have a weakness. However, I think it’s all just a game and someone else is pulling the strings. Makes us feel important and empowered.


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JMLobo83 t1_j6lh27z wrote

Don't forget most folks who died of Covid were over 65 conservatives, GOP or right-leaning independents. The GOP's real problem is suburban educated and working class women hate them.


30dollarprofit t1_j6ldh2s wrote

Not gonna lie, I definitely voted for Biden for that stimmy check to throw on FD’s. Definitely voting DeSantis if he runs/wins the primary.


LdotFdot t1_j6kufei wrote

DeSantis isn't as charismatic as Trump and isn't broadly popular outside of Florida. A Trump & DeSantis (joint) run may work, but I can't see Trump ever agreeing to that.


FadedReaper561 t1_j6l0ofa wrote

DeSantis really does have a large following outside of Florida, I just met some people from Philly that moved here simply because of DeSantis’ policies on covid


80milesbad t1_j6ljkid wrote

Trump gonna have Marjorie Taylor something or other


Critical-Series t1_j6lk5td wrote

That’s a guaranteed L if he picks her. Even if Biden is a corpse he’d win.


LdotFdot t1_j6lxkjo wrote

so like the last election? ;-P


Critical-Series t1_j6mqdnf wrote

Precisely. His election last time illustrates how repulsive Trump is to normal people.


LetterheadSmall9975 t1_j6kshsw wrote

And more than half voted for Biden. Your logic is flawed.


ultimate_placeholder t1_j6kucme wrote

More than half voted for Hillary, their logic isn't flawed, the system is.


kickasstimus t1_j6n75jj wrote

DeSantis has all the charm of a dry turd on a bad road.

I doubt he’ll be the nominee.