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Same_Class5866 t1_j6e3js3 wrote

Your friend sells these substances and you are here looking for financial advice. Bro you have a business you can get into that is profitable. Well profitable until the cops raid you but the chance of that happening is as about as low as me making profit off of SPY calls.


IllustriousSignal575 t1_j6e6co1 wrote

You can blast that shit on Snap Maps and shit and they still won't give a shit. The second you pass them going 4mph over with window tint, boyyyyy you better watch out hahahaha.


Same_Class5866 t1_j6f5nnn wrote

Lol yes 4 random people all pull up in an abandon parking lot around 3:00am all with there snap maps on nothing sus going on here officer😅


NextTrillion t1_j6ex4n3 wrote

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target.


jashxn t1_j6ex5ux wrote

Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing reddit. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the reddit type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a 'secret network of spies across the USA'. Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody make it more believable than 'IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR'. You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo


NextTrillion t1_j6f47g9 wrote

What did you say you little birch? You obviously know nothing about gorilla warfare.


captainmalexus t1_j6er7n6 wrote

If you sell enough to not live in a shack you're definitely gonna be raided


NextTrillion t1_j6ewtcc wrote

>but the chance of that happening is as about as low as me making profit off of SPY calls.

There’s no such thing as a guaranteed investment, but I think I may have just found the Holy Grail of ROI. Anything that inverses this guy‘s SPY calls is going to print, so, meth it is.


SpakulatorX t1_j6e6s90 wrote

Dataset: one wsb coke dealer Data: sells only meth now. Analysis Results: Global economic recession.


IllustriousSignal575 t1_j6e1cp2 wrote

Theyre not buying coke because of the amount of fentanyl deaths linked to it on the rise. Even druggies know its not worth the risk.


[deleted] t1_j6e2kjx wrote



Dangerous-Ad-3958 t1_j6e2ylo wrote

My brother lives in Ireland he said coke he gets comes from Brazil so it's very pure.


bayesian_slut t1_j6eci8s wrote

That’s because cartel’s had inside guys on a cargo ship that brought coke straight from South America


Hlxbwi_75 t1_j6ek3it wrote

Don't count out JP Morgan just because they had one load get busted I'm sure they got many more through


jabronified t1_j6egboy wrote

china only pays the cartel to put it in US shipments


Esco1980 t1_j6ek2xk wrote

We have it good here , in the usa its hard to trust anything unless you have test kits etc not worth the risk


Kalamanchum t1_j6e5g5n wrote

Yeah same in UK we are lucky, most people haven’t even heard of fentanyl never mind worried its in the coke


Hlxbwi_75 t1_j6ekdji wrote

We moved on from fentynal to elephant tranquilizers in the US the UK is missing out on the good street drugs


1villageidiot t1_j6e6n3n wrote

does it have real Mexican sugar?


Penis_Just_Penis t1_j6e9lo9 wrote



In_fact_its_me t1_j6eg707 wrote

Nope facts. Everyone in NYC knows this


Penis_Just_Penis t1_j6fruf0 wrote

Welp, west coast has been clean then. A bit greezy from diesel... But it gets the acetone wash anyways.


In_fact_its_me t1_j6fs9c6 wrote

Interesting. I researched how it’s all done recently I could t believe how dirty the process is to begin with, even to make “pure”


isseldor t1_j6ebxzr wrote

Short cocaine


cking91w t1_j6e60hx wrote

Smile direct club calls in a few months?


cryptokingmylo t1_j6e2ove wrote

Don't worry we are still far away from people not been able to afford meth and having to sniff glue rags


Crystalscante OP t1_j6e3cjt wrote

Good huffing glue is actually more than meth. You can get a good bag for $10.


ErectoPeentrounus t1_j6ec1th wrote

I use Elmer’s glue, cheap and effective


NextTrillion t1_j6ey6lq wrote

I just steal canned air from Walmart and inhale it the washroom. Then I open up my packs of Pokémon cards that I stole, hoping to get a holographic Charzard.

If you ever see a pile of Pokémon cards and a few spent cans of compressed air in the toilet, you’ll know I was there. Life is a pretty sweet fruit.


vegastrashy t1_j6e4ew2 wrote

Buy an old RV and some tightie whitie underwear and go cook meth in the New Mexico desert. Oh, and get cancer.


LoveThieves t1_j6e7cf1 wrote

Drug dealers will have their annual summit meeting on how to fix the economy.


dat_dude41 t1_j6ebqep wrote

Honestly. Could they do any worse than the folks doing so presently?


daman4114 t1_j6ealta wrote

True test is to ask the strippers how's tips doing.


_bi0hazard t1_j6ebaen wrote

Profiting from meth is easy and well documented:

First, you get an old RV. Then, you hire a high school chemistry teacher. And then get ready to be rich.


Suikoden1P t1_j6ebj2b wrote

Dark web is the safest way to get blow tbh lol (the irony I know)


Repulsive-Shallot-79 t1_j6emvks wrote

I'll be honest, if your on meth today, your putting money in the ccp


propheticguy t1_j6e1ri3 wrote

Does he sell the blue, and whatever happened to Heisenberg? It's been a while since I watched breaking bad. About a month ago my mom found that show and watched all the way through in a couple of weeks.


value1024 t1_j6e7290 wrote

Cocaine down - short calls on SPY

Meth up - short puts on IWM

Like a real hedge fund manager and drug dealer, sell both sides and win no matter what happens.


ghettobrawl t1_j6ebf2j wrote

I mean the answer is clear... you sell meth


Infinite-End-2020 t1_j6efq5u wrote

I was in Amsterdam once and met a dude from Dublin who claimed he did all the coke in Amsterdam the night before. He had a Mohawk, so I didn’t doubt him. That was before fentanyl though.


antiqueboi t1_j6egorc wrote

isn't meth like 80% similar to Adderall? it gets a bad rap because it's used by lower class degenerates but it's pretty similar to adderal


Hlxbwi_75 t1_j6ekplu wrote

Pretty much minus the draino, lighter fluid,, paint thinner and few other house hold chemicals


Miffers t1_j6ei7lf wrote

Rescission as in the law was repealed? Cocaine is now legal?


MamasBrewThug t1_j6equmy wrote

Are there any methadone clinics that have gone public?

Your guy knows more about macro economics than half this subreddit.


Skywalker0138 t1_j6eqwaz wrote

I love methhhh.....cause it makes me shoot up less coccckainnnne.....img


Zealousideal-Tip1838 t1_j6exh1w wrote

Have to consider other factors such as fentanyl cross contamination at mid level distribution of coke


wurstpaule t1_j6ez8cg wrote

Long rehabs or insurances that offer really good rehab coverage (or have a lot of non primary holders under the age of 26).


marketsimulator t1_j6f4ck1 wrote

Find your local meth’s CFD and go all in


Ta323Ta t1_j6fcp7x wrote

I see no comments on "Rescission" and I'm worried


Kalamanchum t1_j6e4tq2 wrote

Because people in the USA are realising it’s not worth playing Fentanyl laced Russian roulette 🤣


Penis_Just_Penis t1_j6e9wy0 wrote

All these dumb cops making dumb fentanyl comments. Go back to beating your wife.


Kalamanchum t1_j6ea6wf wrote

Facts don’t care about feelings ya dumb yank


Penis_Just_Penis t1_j6fq63f wrote

And facts are... There is no fentanyl in coke. It heroin that's the fentanyl problem. Yank this.


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