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aerodynamic_AB t1_j6b086l wrote

Got Tesla calls and puts with no stop loss. Call me crazy but it is the nature of the games. Win big or lose big!


Startedat10k t1_j6b09nk wrote

Depends on the % I set for a gain. Loss is usually half of that.


longGERN t1_j6b16d6 wrote

Broker sells for me during margin calls


RemmingtonBlack t1_j6b1alj wrote

I wish I would have listened to it years ago, but I watched a video that said (options) never come back from a 50% loss...

I would have only lost half of what I lost over the years.


With shares I'm still willing to hang in there... there is news, fundamentals, financials for that decision...


BertAnsink t1_j6b2uy4 wrote

Around 2-3% total portfolio value.


And size the position so that your SL is not likely to be hit in one day.


If you have lost on your trade, it obviously means that you can loose next on next trade as SL will be 2% of your new portfolio size.


2-3% seems low but think of this. If you loose 25% of your portfolio value you need to make 33% to come back to break even. Loose 50% and you need to make 100%. Loose 75% and you need to make 400%.


Lack of risk managment is why people don't tend to recover from the inmense losses posted here.


Mooncow027 t1_j6b3y1w wrote

Don't buy at the top like an idiot. Buy near or at ATL, only blue chips.


BertAnsink t1_j6b5yz0 wrote

Yes usually 2-3% of total portfolio value.


I usually take ATR(9) as a guide for how far away the SL needs to be.


So say I am trading ES futures with $50.000 in my account. I would put the stop at $1000. ATR(9) for last trading day is 60 points. For ES futures it's $50 per point. So 1x future with a 60 point drop would give -$3000. In this case I would shift to MES that do $5 per point, ie 4x MES with a 60 point loss will give -$1200. Set stop at 50 points in that case.


There is more to all this since I often trade futures against shares. Ie I own the shares and sell futures short. In this case I can short more futures since I have long shares that cover the loss if I am wrong.


On options I usually sell them, either puts at a point where I think the stock is low and has high IV or calls after I think we have reached a peak. Collecting the premiums gives you more opportunities than pure directional betting where it's simply win or loss.


I also try to diversify into uncorrelated assets where opportunities arise. Ie last year I have traded a lot of WTI futures spreads which was good business. The market has stabilized for now but I am looking at QG (Natgas) since that went down the toilet over last month.


I keep a daily excel sheet which calculates total portfolio volatility so I have a track of Value at Risk for a given day.


ytman68 t1_j6b6bu7 wrote

max of 15% if you are day trading and max of 30% if you are holding the asset long term


paulc19802 t1_j6baohn wrote

I don't. Or at least try not to.

I used to and I lost money fast selling at a loss only to then watch the stock I no longer had go up a stupid amount a few days later. I'm basically an expert at setting my stop loss just above the next swing low before a move up.

If I'm buying stock I'm buying something I have faith in and I'll just average down.

If I'm gambling whatever my maximum risk is I'll just take that money and buy calls with it instead.

The only exception is if I can't afford 1 contract. But then I set my loss at recent swing low whatever that happens to be. I'll then decide how much I'm willing to bet (lose). Whatever percentage my stop loss is is then the multiple for what I'll invest in the gamble. That way I don't have a set percentage.

Example, I'm willing to bet $100. Just under recent swing low is a 10% stop loss. Therefore that's my stop loss and I'm buying $1000 worth. If the recent swing low happened to be 20% I'm buying $500 worth instead.

Or alternatively I'll just buy $100 worth if it's a massive gamble and I can't afford a contract on it and go zero or hero. But obviously in that scenario calls are much preferred.

If it's for the purpose of algo trading though I'll usually stick with 1:1 because I prefer a higher success rate than more money per successful trade. But even then I'm not a fixed percentage as I use SAR for my stop loss value.


United-Display-386 OP t1_j6bb3ik wrote

Can you explain more details why do you set 15% 🧐 if you are a full time trader? For 15% means the stocks can be hold for some days ( they may have more chances to bounce back🧐?, ( seems many people set this % too).


st3alth247 t1_j6be9hm wrote

~1 % but i have to review my strategy. Made it yo get burned this year. Hard to believe, but i got burned


patriots317 t1_j6bfh0x wrote

Are you a professional day trader? If not. Don’t have stop losses. Research. And invest over time in companies you believe will be worth more in the future. Once you’re up by 10/20%. Start selling otm covered calls a couple of weeks out with a small premium. Also dont invest money you’re not willing to watch go to zero.


ScutumSobiescianum t1_j6bfjgi wrote

Oh my, seems like too many maths traders instead of momentum traders. Stop losses should always and forever be set not on numbers but on momentum trendlines. You’ll save yourself plenty of pain that way and maximise your risk reward scenario.


Baconstrips96 t1_j6bh66n wrote

Just found that in my experience 15% down from when I bought in means my due diligence and decision was wrong. And most likely will continue to plummet. Obviously it depends what the play exactly is. But for the most part once it hits that point that’s where I’m comfortable backing out.


st3alth247 t1_j6bhqly wrote

Because i have to admin that i fell to a little gambling addict. Thought every time " this was bad luck i make a revenge trade" Im still in the learning phase- now i have met my addict side as well.

It honestly would better, if my stop loos wasn't so tight at all. My position were getting bigger and bigger but i didn't adjust the stop loss percentwise


ytman68 t1_j6bj7py wrote


Try using these three indicators from tradingviews. Works well for longer timeframe 3H,4H and 1 day. Add them to your chart study how it works bets for you. These indicators will help you to stop day trading (Day trading is not the best for most people).


ScutumSobiescianum t1_j6bnp4z wrote

Drop the algorithms and go with actual state of play, in otherwords follow the trend. Trend is broken, you sell. Otherwise you keep moving your stop loss up to run with the momentum. Been trading for years and our records are for all to see, as long as you are disciplined and follow a strategy most trades are going to be winning ones.


ch4m4njheenga t1_j6bsu56 wrote

My PLTR and FSLY holdings say it has to be close to 100%


UltimateTraders t1_j6c70tx wrote

I never used 1 before but I will start in 2023 with 33% I have been trading since 1994


Blindside783 t1_j6cghm9 wrote

If you use robinhood citadel thanks you for using a stop loss


scalper84 t1_j6cq70s wrote

At most 2% of account. But usally lower like 2 R a day for loss and I try to stop at 6 R for winning days.


jloy88 t1_j6cyp1l wrote

For options (SPY/UVXY) I cut losses at -30% and start to trim some profits at +55%,

for stocks I cut losses at -12-15%. Profit trim at roughly the same. (+15-20%)


TheDoomfire t1_j6d1iwf wrote

Not any.

I buy more if it sells at a lower price.

If I suddenly think I was stupid to even buy it I just hold it.


patriots317 t1_j6d2elj wrote

All my biggest trades started with pretty heavy losses. Sometimes around -50 to -60%. I’d never be where I am today if I tied A rope around my neck at -5 or -10% and had stop losses. You gotta have balls in this game kid. If not. Get out.


patriots317 t1_j6d3dzr wrote

No. It’s called research and trusting your plays. The market whipsaws all the time. Again I’m not talking about day trading. That’s for professionals. I’m talking about mid/long swing plays while selling premium. Have fun staying poor.


BitSoMi t1_j6d3s07 wrote

Imagine bragging about trades where you were down 50-60% on a swing trade, got lucky on a reversal and needed at least 100% just to break even. Lol. The stop loss dude is always ahead of you if the trade goes against him and reenters at a better price point. No wonder dudes lose everything on here. Pure gambling


patriots317 t1_j6d47oy wrote

It was otm options with a strike 6-8 months/ surrounding a time with a positive catalyst for the company. Being down 60% at one time with a plan to average down over the course of 8 months isn’t that big of a deal. The stop loss cripples you. Again,unless you are professionally daytrading, which is also extremely difficult but not many people can do. They can see your stop losses.


Pdbabb66 t1_j6dc8iu wrote

I use ignitions candles. The candle that got me in is the same candle to get me out. I only trade SPY options.


stickynapkin t1_j6eenu4 wrote

Robinhood automatically cuts my losses for me at 330pm.


rightsideofrandom t1_j6i4j6z wrote

my daily stop is 1% of my risk capital and my per trad stop is. 0.25%