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Gold_Caterpillar_919 OP t1_j6eep45 wrote

I’m sure some experienced people have good insight to offer lol


alpeshnaper t1_j6ef9v2 wrote

Yeah this probably isn't a place you want to start, most come here to yolo into weeklys. Many other subs on here that actually have good info.


MamasBrewThug t1_j6epa1i wrote

Experienced in tin foil this place but stay completely away from the subreddits named after the stock. So suggesting not to get advice here is actually experience talking.

Morning star reports are good for top level research.


SubstantialHyena4992 t1_j6etcy7 wrote

The post title is a lie.

Every night your invest 6-8 hours into sleep for the dividend of not being tired the next day. Then your sleep stock expires and you invest again the next night.

First impressions matter, don't lie about not investing