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Infamous_Sympathy_91 OP t1_j67ih09 wrote


Stachemaster86 t1_j67iz5f wrote

11/11. It’s their “Black Friday” on steroids with Prime Days added and it still beats both in a take of $130B. Baba made $85B during the last Singles Day. Obviously makes a lot of years sales for vendors and is a good indicator of spending habits.


lucidrage t1_j698ucl wrote

> it still beats both in a take of $130B. Baba made $85B during the last Singles Day

That just shows you how many singles there are in China! I bet $80B of that was from those buttplug vibrators on aliexpress!


PeakFuckingValue t1_j69fgz8 wrote



apolloniatiger t1_j691nc3 wrote

I wish you can see what they are buying. My friends in China buys toilet paper for whole year during 11/11 event. They don’t have too much discretionary spending.


iPigman t1_j69wesk wrote

A whole years worth?

Aww shit, here we go again.