Submitted by Infamous_Sympathy_91 t3_10n8nzz in wallstreetbets
Pasdgrapd t1_j68q0bf wrote
Just as inflation is coming down China's re-opening will
StarGaurdianBard t1_j6bd48d wrote
This is the first time I've seen a repost bot repost a comment that only has 5 upvotes and somehow get 30+ despite not even making any sense because the members of WSB don't even question why the comment suddenly cuts off lmao.
This sub continues to upvote bots despite constantly talking about bots/shills
hugh-g-rection9000 t1_j6cxz4q wrote
Thanks star guardian
[deleted] t1_j6d9in0 wrote
soulfulcandy t1_j69m3x9 wrote
Suspicious_Loads t1_j6iuzx4 wrote
China produces supplies so who knows what direction it goes. Maybe more expensive fuel and cheaper toys and electronics.
Stachemaster86 t1_j67idnh wrote
Wait till Singles Day if things don’t clear up post CNY
Infamous_Sympathy_91 OP t1_j67ih09 wrote
What date? And what happens then?
Stachemaster86 t1_j67iz5f wrote
11/11. It’s their “Black Friday” on steroids with Prime Days added and it still beats both in a take of $130B. Baba made $85B during the last Singles Day. Obviously makes a lot of years sales for vendors and is a good indicator of spending habits.
lucidrage t1_j698ucl wrote
> it still beats both in a take of $130B. Baba made $85B during the last Singles Day
That just shows you how many singles there are in China! I bet $80B of that was from those buttplug vibrators on aliexpress!
PeakFuckingValue t1_j69fgz8 wrote
iPigman t1_j69w8z1 wrote
With Bluetooth speed and oscillation control
NakedAndAfraidXS t1_j6alxn7 wrote
Louder for virgins in the back!
Siren_NL t1_j6aovxa wrote
iPigman t1_j6e8hxp wrote
Just AIDS.
what_is_blue t1_j69hwog wrote
Did he whisper?
No-Assistance-7641 t1_j6adma9 wrote
I can't hear him...can you speak louder?
DrShitpostMDJDPhDMBA t1_j69pfa1 wrote
Time to invest in Chinese dating apps.
[deleted] t1_j69jbc5 wrote
TechAndStocks t1_j691n3s wrote
10 months is a long time, sir
apolloniatiger t1_j691nc3 wrote
I wish you can see what they are buying. My friends in China buys toilet paper for whole year during 11/11 event. They don’t have too much discretionary spending.
iPigman t1_j69wesk wrote
A whole years worth?
Aww shit, here we go again.
GingerStank t1_j67z1pk wrote
What is the source of this data? Doubt intensifies as the picture doesn’t at all hint to how they got this data. I doubt anyone has this data but the CCP, making the data worthless as they obfuscate and manipulate data.
KSRandom195 t1_j688xiw wrote
And I seem to remember protests at banks because they had lost their money. Surprising to hear there’s massive savings now after that.
GingerStank t1_j689mg4 wrote
They’re the same people that said 8 people died from Covid last month while videos circulated online of bodies being stacked up in streets outside of morgues pouring out black smoke.
ndvDogeDiamondHands t1_j68xqoc wrote
You remember correctly, but it was a number of regional banks, not national ones that smoked out local degens savings with high yeld promises... no one went to jail of course and the party members are arguably richer...
Then the CCP smoke out the stock market, and before that the developers literally evaporated trillions of bonds with little complete real estate to show for.
Now the OP is suggesting the party will disappear the rest of the proletariat savings...
What a nice place where to live it must be.
[deleted] t1_j68ifhh wrote
[deleted] t1_j68v33z wrote
keepgrindingact t1_j67h84s wrote
Hello inflation good to see you
locri t1_j67kvj9 wrote
I don't think it quite works like that, they're paid in Yuan/renminbi.
YodaCodar t1_j67lf3u wrote
Demand is demand.
locri t1_j67m5s6 wrote
I'm 60% sure (I am not a real economist) it'll change the exchange rate of either currency and that has enough effect on the money supply to not necessarily cause inflation.
Grain of salt please.
I'm mostly confident because usually when something like this happens usually everyone actually benefits, the neoliberals cum everywhere at once and Kekkonen smiles down from the heavens.
cunth t1_j68az5v wrote
Cuban cigars have trippled in price over the last year and are still difficult to get largely thanks to a surge in Chinese demand. The sheer size of their middle class with discretionary income now is a force to be reckoned with.
If OP's data is true, it will undoubtedly affect demand for luxury goods at the least.
Outis7379 t1_j68l8bi wrote
X_Danger t1_j68ntr4 wrote
Let's target some ads to these middle class individuals to get them investing into US stocks
And see how soon the excess turns to margin calls
locri t1_j68ffg8 wrote
Then buy American cigars.
710AlpacaBowl t1_j68t3py wrote
He said luxury goods
[deleted] t1_j69orcz wrote
cookielukas t1_j69dshy wrote
Bullish on seafood and exotic animals
ScipioAtTheGate t1_j6a6maz wrote
Frozen shrimp is where its at brah
RandyChavage t1_j6cumdq wrote
Me, a pangolin ☠️
Girthquake4117 t1_j6bery2 wrote
Dog meat ftw
Swanswayisgoodenough t1_j6fzjf1 wrote
Oh they didn't like that.
Girthquake4117 t1_j6g3d5l wrote
Idk why...... It's on the menu
joshzzz222 t1_j68i3qu wrote
FYI China already reopened fully for weeks
Hascus t1_j69ux6w wrote
lol right? What is this graph saying
joshzzz222 t1_j6cz5ty wrote
Says nothing tbh, first if you look at the household debt, probably the same graph. Also, if you know Chinese, search the news about tons of people can’t withdraw their ¥ in the bank. Put all their money in the bank is average Chinese’s lifestyle.
forumhero666 t1_j68j15z wrote
Sure they just need to sneak pass the tanks guarding their money
Fabiba82 t1_j68l728 wrote
Inflation here we go again. Invest in eggs
Siren_NL t1_j6aqrbb wrote
Chickens you mean.
10000_guilder_tulip t1_j6bbqfg wrote
Don’t worry, he belongs here
redmustang7398 t1_j6cv9j4 wrote
But your username…
10000_guilder_tulip t1_j6new25 wrote
I also belong here.
VisualMod t1_j67gzvz wrote
That's a lot of money! I'm sure the people who have that kind of savings are doing very well. But it's not just about the money, it's also about being smart and intelligent. If you're not rich and don't seem to be getting any richer, then I'll probably insult you.
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Pandamonial t1_j68qp5c wrote
Thanks for keeping me in line, VM
nickname7788 t1_j68gs3g wrote
To put that into perspective - that's 1800$ per person, in the USA that number is ~14 500$ per person. We also have to have in mind that the majority have close to 0$ in the bank and the others have much more.
Legitimate-Plum7919 t1_j69itmn wrote
Am i the only one who sees 2.5 bln not trillion on that graph
Lockstrife t1_j69m7rw wrote
It’s 2500 billion which is 2.5 trillion
Legitimate-Plum7919 t1_j69mdjs wrote
Ok . Now makes sense
SuccessfulCobbler69 t1_j69p0hj wrote
Lol now I know what they mean about degens on here
Sorry-Business-1152 t1_j68ha1s wrote
They won’t be buying teslas.
grizzly_teddy t1_j6b5uie wrote
Why not? They already do.
sinncab6 t1_j67jb52 wrote
Yeah now correlate that data with American household savings which has taken a nosedive the second we opened up due to over inflation and pent up consumer demand. It was 4 trillion at the end of 2020 it's now down around 500 billion.
So it'll be a short lived boom even assuming these figures are even right for China which I highly doubt since every financial figure from China has some layer of deception to it and this graph provides nothing for sources IE how much of that figure is really just the ultra rich and how much is actually the common man.
They'll have to deal with the same problems we dealt with and probably worse so since we were in an economic boomtime when savings values started to drop off a cliff in the US, the Chinese aren't going to have that advantage since their economy is tied at the hip to the west.
No-Flamingo5503 t1_j67hy2w wrote
I hope they buy Shib.
Kitten_Team_Six t1_j68rkl1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j67zmuq wrote
TheNeoOne001 t1_j68qgpx wrote
Would it be wise to buy chinese stocks
[deleted] t1_j6a8vqb wrote
AutistGobbChopp t1_j67scn8 wrote
There are approx 1.5 billion Chinese people
So $1,666 spending potential per person
I think we'll be fine...
fliesenschieber t1_j67wjbc wrote
So only items that cost less than $1,666 will be affected by demand and subsequent inflation.
[deleted] t1_j68tswm wrote
7figurebetontesla t1_j68y7oa wrote
It’s not evenly distributed!
boblywobly11 t1_j68qfoh wrote
Only 500 million have cash to spend. The others are poor.
kaishinoske1 t1_j69afve wrote
Especially after that bail in to the banks those other people were a part of from that real estate fiasco not that long ago.
Shiba_98 t1_j693agm wrote
It’s not evenly distributed. A large part of Americans have less than $400 to cover emergencies but that’s outweighed by those who have plenty.
AutistGobbChopp t1_j6ecwie wrote
Of course it's not, but we need to view that figure in context
Betweenthelies13 t1_j685gut wrote
Just as inflation is coming down China's re-opening will cause a new wave of demand
Hacking_the_Gibson t1_j688zeb wrote
This will be offset by the increase in production.
Chinese consumers spend like $5T annually while Americans spend like $16T.
RockyattheTop t1_j68t2mb wrote
It’s not about the goods, it’s all about that sweet sweet oil baby. Only so much to go around and them manufacturing requires a lot of it. Add in a weakening dollar and oil prices surge. Oil prices going up means everything goes up. Inflation ain’t done fucking you yet, it was just taking a Gatorade break after fucking you for a long time.
Hacking_the_Gibson t1_j69jpmj wrote
China buys their oil from Russia at a deeply discounted rate.
I suspect that the oil impact will be minimal.
RockyattheTop t1_j69kkpk wrote
Doesn’t matter, it’s still the supply. Also there is a reason they were meeting with the Saudis recently. Now that being said if we go full recession it’s not going to matter as demand for oil will plummet. If you’re playing this play, important to have tight stop losses.
Hacking_the_Gibson t1_j69wtzv wrote
I'm not, I rode oil from summer 2020 through about October of 2022.
Alternative-Paint-46 t1_j6bmuan wrote
It does matter. Countries that aren’t sanctioning Russia, are getting their oil from them cheap.
reliquid1220 t1_j6cvnc4 wrote
Yet oil price for the rest of the world is going up for the past month.
Op is talking about the supply/demand curves. Sanctions etc shifts the curves up or down but they have to meet somewhere. That juncture is going up in dollars.
Alternative-Paint-46 t1_j6cy96s wrote
From what I’m reading, it doesn’t appear to be going up for Russia. They’re still selling their oil for a large bargain.
“Russian oil traditionally sells at a discount to international benchmarks such as Brent. The discount, has widened since the imposition of sanctions and now stands at some $25-$30 per barrel to dated Brent.”
As winter sets in and demand for oil increases, the limited supply will increase prices worldwide, but it may not increase the price of Russias oil nearly as much.
kingbitchtits t1_j69cezh wrote
That's because our economy is 70 percent consumerism and 30 percent production.
Economical warfare, anyone?
pepsirichard62 t1_j68v3mj wrote
They will just buy more condos
OnlyYoghurt8452 t1_j67he6w wrote
Sleeping Giant
Sisboombah74 t1_j6bp8hq wrote
A comatose clown.
BlindSquirrelCapital t1_j6a4dxv wrote
LVMH to the moon. Those Louis Vuitton purses will be flying off the shelves.
JammyTodgers t1_j680pl5 wrote
china reopening is intially an inflation driver, but once its supply lines are functioning again, it is long term disinflationary.
if the fed account for china reopening in their forward guidance they will eventually overshoot significantly imo.
onfire9123 t1_j692hf6 wrote
You know what the world needs?? More consumption.
disco-inferno_ t1_j69wqt6 wrote
I won’t buy BABA at $65 but I sure as hell will buy it at $120
Traditional-Math-625 t1_j68px2f wrote
Calls on Apple for dear life
Neither_Presence1373 t1_j68yz9n wrote
Inflation Finna go crazy
Yf_lo t1_j693t4a wrote
Positive_Wheel_7065 t1_j698oey wrote
So more inflation?
Regenten t1_j69ecb7 wrote
They have also put off things like buying property. The domestic economy is fuk rn.
zulufux999 t1_j69qo4j wrote
Long LVMH lol
freemcgee69420 t1_j6afaqz wrote
Lol what if the CCP told them to buy US made goods with those savings to create an inflation bomb here, with their savings bomb.
VisualMod t1_j67gzhl wrote
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PigeonClown t1_j68hox4 wrote
And falling rapidly
[deleted] t1_j68paje wrote
LorentzCoffin t1_j68tw69 wrote
Hahahaha wait, you serious?
[deleted] t1_j68udjs wrote
Adventurous-Tiger600 t1_j68vedo wrote
It’s going to have to offset all of the write downs on their real estate…
itachispinkytoe t1_j68wmhm wrote
With the ones left alive
[deleted] t1_j68wpiw wrote
Calm_Leek_1362 t1_j68zaed wrote
Are they not open yet? I thought they were done with COVID 0 policy and they were letting it spread now.
apolloniatiger t1_j690xnv wrote
Don’t count on that. China does not have safety net and hospital are expensive. Savings are for healthcare and retirement.
LavenderAutist t1_j6961ym wrote
That trillion could be spent to pay their mortgages
NeitherMedicine4327 t1_j698vox wrote
[deleted] t1_j699lpv wrote
NaddaWook t1_j69atq8 wrote
Inflate it
Siigmaa t1_j69bo25 wrote
Getting ready to buy some more YANG before the inevitable
Zueter t1_j69dvpx wrote
If it mirrors the rest of the world, expect supply chain disruption, shortages and inflation
Txgunlover55 t1_j69f91x wrote
So this is where all of Biden’s stimulus package went
UTletigre t1_j69gokl wrote
Different culture. Majority of their cars are bought in cash and they don’t like to finance. Their housing market went tits up. Studies have shown positive housing assets help drive spending up while opposite happens. Also they don’t know if they’re gonna go right back into quarantine and have no income.
SuddenOutset t1_j69keqz wrote
Immediate-Cry1554 t1_j69mscu wrote
Curious how much money US owes China now? Trillion or billions??🙄
SuccessfulCobbler69 t1_j69o485 wrote
Looks like nio to the moon. China stocks short squeeze
AutoModerator t1_j69o4ae wrote
Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
[deleted] t1_j69oyok wrote
Crypto_Malik t1_j69qoqx wrote
Can a smooth brained person explain to me what I'm looking at?
cheekytikiroom t1_j69r8lx wrote
I can’t decide if this will create more inflation, or if open factories helps supply and will reduce inflation.
turboninja3011 t1_j69rdkn wrote
That s 2.5T to make by international corporations.
helloWorld69696969 t1_j69vbkz wrote
Those people havent worked in literal years. What money do you think they have to spend
Worried-Ingenuity409 t1_j69w8z4 wrote
Ummm yea, AT LEAST 50 bps. That’s the MINIMUM
Abject-Kiwi7338 t1_j6a0srp wrote
hope a lot of them buy btc
MrULTRALONG t1_j6a3722 wrote
On alcohol, hookers and gambling
Purple_Calico t1_j6a4pq9 wrote
Too bad the Chinese have been nationalizing people's savings to cover the Evergrande shindig...
usernumber1onreddit t1_j6a5ptt wrote
but ... but ... because of opening, they can also make more stuff .... right?!
TianObia t1_j6a611r wrote
Recession canceled.
[deleted] t1_j6a77f0 wrote
lokitoth t1_j6ad9dj wrote
So... Supply Shock 2: Electric Boogaloo?
Solitary-Dolphin t1_j6aeaiv wrote
Baba diamond hands again?
SchillDogg t1_j6aif5u wrote
Hide your Cats!
Maleficent_Public925 t1_j6aj7ry wrote
Population is very old. They are in saving for retirement mode, not consumption mode
devanator77 t1_j6al7pc wrote
Banks wouldn't release the savings to the people who put it in there in the first place.
[deleted] t1_j6and4u wrote
Infinite-Bath657 t1_j6aptqi wrote
Lived in china for 5 years, man i have to say that your being fooled.
So many business went bust and all those zombie state companies and crazy invesments will tank china economy.
onetime344 t1_j6av6nt wrote
And 1.5t was hold in 2021... for uncertainty in chaina and world max they will spend its 500b and it will be probably not February, not to mention chaina banks not really willing to give your money for you to spend.
[deleted] t1_j6awfh3 wrote
Big_Bullfrog_2642 t1_j6axi50 wrote
It clearly says billion (bn) on the chart… how the hell did you interpret that as trillion
mamabearx0x0 t1_j6b4tg5 wrote
Really? Read it again
Hideous_hyide t1_j6b2isa wrote
This must be after the culling that's going on. Must be based on that currency that expires when you don't use it
wardogone11 t1_j6b6x2y wrote
And gas will go up!
Mistbox t1_j6b7nji wrote
China is closed? Since when?
[deleted] t1_j6be6xe wrote
michael_faraway t1_j6bra0l wrote
there goes my puts
iyervikas81 t1_j6btfuz wrote
Time for BABA puts whenever such articles/posts start coming out. Looking for BABA to retrace to 90s by mid feb
[deleted] t1_j6bvori wrote
NormalSecretary4505 t1_j6bxer1 wrote
So we’re just gonna forget how evergrande swindled a majority of the Chinese population?
Resident_Spend4544 t1_j6c08xe wrote
Lg tsla!!!!
BugTotal6212 t1_j6cm5e8 wrote
Wait a few weeks for the covid cases to explode.
Fabiba82 t1_j6djh8g wrote
Can't remember where I found a story where a mf invested in eggs option and had to buy like 1 million of them. I ment that story
TheSwede121 t1_j67jzne wrote
YodaCodar t1_j67ldy7 wrote
Why is china playing hard to get? think it will rise my inflation?
screwdriverking t1_j69b4uu wrote
Emerging markets will be the shit for 2022
Lone_Wanderer357 t1_j6a6yur wrote
Yeah, just as there is a potential for 400 milion dead in china. And while that is a wild theory, no doubt, it shouldn!t be disregarded if you look on the videos from china, where people are administred IV bags in their cars in front of the hospitals.. and multiple bodies are being cremated at the same time, all day every day.
So yeah, this is a fantasy.
The truth is that we just don't know what the fuck happens with China, but I'm very confident that resurgence of spending and a rise of healthy chinese economic will not be one of those things.
Legitimate-Source-61 t1_j67kx4w wrote
Savings ..... that is those ghost cities that we've been hearing about? Well they are smart, we invest in NFTs.
NoobInvester018 t1_j67jjz4 wrote
100 BPS inbound