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LeoMarius t1_j9yxhf4 wrote

Kids who are carjacking should be tried as adults. They are literally murdering people.


Altruistic-Risk-2223 t1_j9z9ypj wrote

Or something in between. For instance, the 15 year old girl who carjacked and then ended up killing the Uber driver at the Navy Yard already had another carjacking under her belt. So maybe for first offense a teen should go through the alternate rehabilitation program, but if they go right back out and commit another serious crime then they should be tried as an adult.


Davge107 t1_j9zoza7 wrote

When you say first offense you really are talking about the first time they are caught. They have probably committed the crime they have been arrested for many times before without being caught.


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9yzx3b wrote

How about kids who are murdering people should be tried as adults, as they are literally murdering people. Kids who are carjacking are literally carjacking. Carjacking is not murder.


LeoMarius t1_j9z87g1 wrote

Carjacking is an incredibly dangerous crime. It leads to people dying from traffic accidents as victims panic and try to get away.

This girl has been convicted twice of carjacking, the second killing a father delivering food to make ends meet for his family. She'll be out in 7 years.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9znof0 wrote

That's ridiculous. Carjacking is unbelievably dangerous. How about the punishments for carjacking are the same as murder.


Redwolfdc t1_ja18l48 wrote

It’s not the same as murder but agree it’s not something they should be getting a juvenile slap on the wrist. Kids do reckless things like vandalize, break into cars, and shoplift. But holding someone up with a weapon and threatening to harm them isn’t just normal juvenile behavior


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9zp1sj wrote

And we know the punishment for murder is a great deterrent, that's why there's no more murders!

Literally the most brainless commentary when crime comes up on this sub. The extent of the penalty doesn't deter criminals. If you think it does, see a doctor, because your brain is missing.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9ztreg wrote

I can’t worry about coming up with programs to undo the bad parenting that’s been in their life. I want to get them off the street once they commit a crime. I don’t want them committing another. It keeps the rest of us just a sliver safer. That’s all it’s about.


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9zv3qd wrote

> I can’t worry about coming up with programs

Good thing nobody asked you to do this, then? Nobody asked for you to come up with anything. Nobody asked for your ignorant opinion.

> I want to get them off the street once they commit a crime.

That has nothing to do with whether or not the punishments should be the same as murder. The crux of that issue is not the term of the punishment, but the likelihood of ANY punishment being applied. The only thing you proposed is literally the thing that everyone agrees doesn't work.

Your comment is so mind numbingly stupid because the effect you claim to want is actually accomplished by the thing you're not proposing. It isn't the term of the sentence that reduces crime, it's the likelihood of getting caught in the first place. Keeping criminals off the street is easiest to accomplish by convincing them that their actions have consequences. Increasing the phantom consequences that they rightly believe they will not suffer does nothing at all. Yet that's precisely what you want!

So excuse me if I don't believe you when you say you want to keep criminals off the streets. If that's what you wanted, you would exhibit a modicum of curiosity about how to achieve that goal, because what you're proposing doesn't achieve the stated intention.

> It keeps the rest of us just a sliver safer.

It doesn't. It makes you feel safer. But it doesn't make you any safer at all. That's what every study on this subject has shown time and time again.


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zw6hf wrote

It must be nice to live with your head so far up your ass that you think you can actually make a difference here in the lives of criminals. You can’t. Talk about being mind numbingly stupid. Good job. Can’t wait to see how you fix the city.


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9zws1c wrote

I think the people who study this for a living, and have succeeded elsewhere are correct, while you think everyone who studies this for a living and has succeeded elsewhere is wrong.

Which of us has our heads up our ass?

You want to clutch your pearls, Karen. That's all. That's fine, but recognize that's all you're doing. There are proven strategies to reduce crime, and the one thing you're advocating is proven not to work. Yet you want to do it anyways. Shows how much you want to "fix the city."


DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zylcy wrote

You sound like a delightfully nasty person with so many solutions. Why not outline them for all of us so we can see how you’re going to fix the crime. Instead you pull a 7 year old pamphlet out of your ass and expect that it applies to kids who were 5 years old when it was written. Before a world pandemic. I’m dying laughing at what a moron you have proven yourself to be! 😂


DrunkWoodchuck t1_j9zz31f wrote

You're saying the things that have worked in the past wont work in the future, and the things that never worked in the past will work in the future? And I'm the moron?

Jesus christ, crime posts bring out the dumbest fucking people.

If you wanted to be safe, you would be curious about proven solutions. You wouldn't want slapdash bullshit that has never worked.


WinterMedical t1_j9z48k5 wrote

If your kid is arrested for carjacking is there a CPS investigation or no? I know it is terribly underfunded. I hate when I agree with Newt Gingrich but maybe he wasn’t that far off with his Boys Town idea. I don’t know how else you break this cycle. These kids need help and stability, safety and hope.


LeoMarius t1_j9z7kpa wrote

Not if you've threatened someone else's life, or worse, actually killed someone.