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mrlotato t1_jb27q5t wrote

cracked eggery has coffee. plus 7-11


Gold_Response_1504 t1_jb3ms0f wrote

Is it me or is cracked eggery extremely overhyped?


mrlotato t1_jb3qmbu wrote

Its ok imo but i think its overhyped. I pop in every once in awhile for some breakfast but it feels overpriced for what you get.


alagrancosa t1_jb2a7ax wrote

And they signed a petition against bike lanes, no thank you.


mrlotato t1_jb2hs6z wrote

Cracked eggery?


t-rexcellent t1_jb39zfv wrote

They're on the list but I don't really trust that everyone on the list really opposes bike lanes. I think the anti-bike lane people bullied or just lied to places to get them to sign. I'm planning to call a few places to check.


Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jb2gxs6 wrote

Grats on being why the rest of the city makes fun of how twee you are while you also cry about why there's no businesses there.
