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expandingtransit t1_jdtrc5u wrote

Good news! There's currently a study going on right now about ways to improve the Brunswick Line, including midday, reverse peak, and weekend service! There's a survey on the website as well as an email address you can use to send in feedback about the proposals.


Lurkingandye t1_jdtsajm wrote

Thank you! This would be amazing - I will go fill out the survey now. It would be amazing to just take a train out to the trails at Harper’s Ferry.


colglover t1_jdtu0wy wrote

Live in Brunswick and commute to DC occasionally for work, and while the current hours serve that they don’t facilitate going into the city for cultural evening events or getting home late after happy hours. Really stoked about the potentiality for expanded hours and reverse peak service in this survey, and hope that wins priority over expanding routes. While I’d love ALL options to win out, implementing reverse service seems the lowest hanging fruit.


any_old_usernam t1_jdtuex1 wrote

Ooh, thanks a bunch! Will fill this out soon, might even go to the meeting. Nice username by the way :)