
Docile_Doggo t1_jef5dfe wrote

Same. I sold my car right before moving here. I didn’t really have a choice because I needed the money, but it would have been a good decision regardless. I save so much money not owning a vehicle and having my employer pay for my Metro commute


Docile_Doggo t1_jcfob6n wrote

Co-signing this. “Luxury” apartment buildings often have cheap and shoddy construction that produces all manner of structural problems down the line. Older buildings are often much sturdier and better built (though they certainly have issues as well).

I’ve lived in both older and newer buildings across a number of states, both renovated and non renovated. My favorite places by far have been the older buildings with modern renovations.


Docile_Doggo t1_j9vs8f2 wrote

Huh. I went there after work on a weekday recently and didn’t have any problem working on my laptop for about 1 to 2 hours. Maybe just because it was later on a weekday they didn’t mind so much?

I’ve known of other cafes that have a no laptop policy but only on weekends and before a certain hour of the day on weekdays. I personally try not to frequent such places because the whole point of a cafe to me is that I get to sit and chill for a bit and not be rushed out the door. I like cafes that serve as “third spaces”.

But it’s totally the prerogative of each individual business over what kind of environment they want to have in their own cafe. And a no laptop policy seems more reasonable in a busy area like Georgetown and in places with relatively little seating.


Docile_Doggo t1_j13wjjs wrote

Can I ask why you prefer not to Uber or Metro? Uber I get, because it can be really pricey depending on when/how far the trip is. But Metro is cheap as heck (at least compared to Uber or paying for several days’ worth of parking), and is one of the easiest ways to get to National (it drops off right outside of the terminals)


Docile_Doggo t1_iyeimir wrote

Any word on when we’re going to get below 10-minute headways on the Red Line? I was disappointed this morning when I saw the headways were still 10 minutes, as I was kind of hoping after Thanksgiving we’d see some improvement. But it’s still supposed to go down to 8-minute and then 6-minute headways before the end of the year, right?


Docile_Doggo t1_iu493m0 wrote

Isn’t Metro’s current plan to start more heavily enforcing fare evasion pretty soon, though? Isn’t that why they have all those signs up now with the fines for each jurisdiction listed, so that they can give people notice that greater enforcement is coming before it actually does?

I haven’t been following this closely enough to know exactly what Metro’s plan is. But imo if I have it right, that seems like a pretty solid plan to me. Give people adequate notice about a change in enforcement and then hold them accountable.