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veloharris t1_jcop5pn wrote

Look forward to everyone losing their mind every year during rock n' roll.


sven_ftw t1_jcq8fg8 wrote

There was an awesome older lady (and her husband) who were standing outside their house on North Capitol St. handing out these super tasty chocolate chip cookie squares that were cut small enough to pop.

There was another guy handing out packaged candy near McMillion. And then of course the "Calvert Fill Station" was in full force too.

I always get a kick out of the folks who are in lawn chairs with beers and music going and just yelling / cheering on passersby because why not, lol.

TL;DR - at least some residents have a lot of fun with it!


pttdreamland t1_jcq8zgh wrote

The run was fun! I hope people aimed the cups in the recycling bins better though.


Jewell84 t1_jcv4nvg wrote

Apparently tossing the cups on the ground is a common thing because they get swept up. With that being said I was so worried about slipping on a cup at the water stations.


pttdreamland t1_jd3i5sv wrote

Same! And I was worried the paper cup would get blown into the water.


etrain828 t1_jcqy5jw wrote

Those chocolate chop cookies were fire, too! People around here were so kind today.


Jewell84 t1_jcs5ck0 wrote

This was my second year running. The local folks cheering us on kept me going. It was the group with Believe signs that gave me the biggest boost, plus the aforementioned cookies.

The Fife and Drum group at that awful hill in Rock Creek Park and the GoGo Band towards the end of the race were my favorites.


sven_ftw t1_jcu4aoi wrote

Yes, the band at McMillian that you can hear echoing as you run across on Harvard St is my fav too.

The drill instructor at the Calvert hill yelling at me to keep going and not wimp out was quite motivating lol.


Jewell84 t1_jcv3tuv wrote

Oh I walked that hill. I had nothing to prove lol.


born_to_kvetch t1_jcthvjt wrote

My one and only experience with the Rock n’ Roll marathon was when I was trying to get to the GW Hospital and the Uber couldn’t get to me because of the street closures. In hindsight, I should have called an ambulance, but my panicked brain didn’t think of that at the time.