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SamW20910 t1_jcumau4 wrote

Wow. That kid did everything wrong. Stole a car, got stopped, trapped a cop in the car and dragged another one as he fled the stop.

Condolences to his family.


Dapper-Print9016 t1_jcvath8 wrote

They're "outraged," which means they want a payout, condolences rescinded.


[deleted] t1_jcvxy31 wrote

I’m outraged they raised such a little shit.


FickleMachine8931 t1_jcvnya7 wrote

"our son was an angel who could do no wrong" or some dumbass boilerplate shit like that.


Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jcvcy7y wrote

Bonfire of the Vanities (the movie) was a documentary is my favorite ref for this.


Dapper-Print9016 t1_jcvdcca wrote

I love every actor in this movie, why have I never heard of it?


Reasonable-Pick-1588 t1_jcvvgaa wrote

It's famously one of the worst movies that all who were involved ever made. There's a podcast and a book about how disastrous the movie was, both called "The Devil's Candy." I recommend the original book, the book about the movie, and the podcast.


MarkinDC24 t1_jcy0ntt wrote

Perhaps the parents will be held somewhat monetarily responsible? If the women whose home was crashed into civilly sues the deceased kids family, then perhaps you get a different outlook from the deceased kids parents, as they will be held responsible for their child’s reckless actions. Some kids have behavioral issues that are hard for ANY parent to handle but this sounds like a case of bad environmental influences. My parents would have perhaps killed me themselves, if I ever stole someone’s else car.

I have empathy for parents dealing with difficult children. I do not have empathy for parents who do not raise their children, there child endangers their own life and others, and then the parents want some type of community outcry?


SamW20910 t1_jcvjz9g wrote

You can't rescind someone else's condolences. That's not how that works.


subterraniac t1_jcvjjau wrote

Condolences? This kid was a product of his upbringing.


SamW20910 t1_jcvjsss wrote

Good job telling on yourself.


FickleMachine8931 t1_jcvo010 wrote

What does that mean?


6FeetBeneathTheMoon t1_jcvyd90 wrote

They're insinuating it's racist to assume a 17 year old boy who spends his time stealing cars and wrecking said cars into homes with police officers hanging off the side didn't receive proper parenting. How it's racist, I'm not sure; if anything they're telling on themselves...


[deleted] t1_jcvy33c wrote

I’m pretty sure they don’t even know anymore but they’re quite smug about it


nthomas504 t1_jcyau76 wrote

I grew up in NW, not the worse area, but definitely places to avoid. I hate to see fellow young black Washingtonians getting caught up in the wrong crowd and committing unnecessary crimes that end up with them dead or in jail.

I don’t know how anyone can blame anyone but him for the result of this.