
MarkinDC24 t1_jeejmae wrote

Oh. I pass that old (Harris Teeter) grocery store area every other week, since i frequent a newer grocery store a few blocks away. I was trying to convey, I used to walk around the area every other week, and now I wouldn’t after a certain time period. The development has brought a lot and it seems like crime has followed. Even if a new grocery store goes into the old Harris Teeter building, I will pass on getting groceries there after work/in the evening - like I used to do at the old Harris Teeter.


MarkinDC24 t1_jeeecrd wrote

Have you considered my feelings? What if I don’t want the post traumatic stress that could occur from being randomly hit by another car and it speeding away. You could also empathize with the fact that my car could be totaled — and insurance often gives below fair market value of cars that are totaled. I mean, I could keep going but I hope you get my point.


MarkinDC24 t1_jebcjer wrote

I used to think the SAME thing. Until yesterday. I was waiting at a red light when a car came screeching to a halt. The young driver had not been paying attention, drove past the red light, and screeched to a stop in the middle of a busy intersection. As I looked over, I noticed a temporary tag.

I gave the driver the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he was distracted. Maybe he had a long day. The light turned green, I glanced over at the car, and saw four teens in the car. The passenger driver started waving his arm my way and looked over at my car (I thought he might be dancing?).

I did not want to stare, so I looked forward again. Next thing I know, the car had moved all the way from the left lane to my lane. For your consideration, this was a three-lane road, and I was in the far-right lane. The temporary tag car had moved all the way from the left lane to my far-right lane. I tapped my brakes to ensure that I did not run into their car, and they speed off.

Say they hit me, with those fake temporary tags, I would have no insurance claim as they would have speed off.


MarkinDC24 t1_jebbdsw wrote

Do not mention it. I would imagine you writing it down, is a form of journaling, which research has shown supports positive PERA (a framework for mental health). In terms of next steps, please know that whatever you decide to do is perfect, and I am not asking for anything specifically. Broadly, I just wanted to know if there was anything that I could do - now - to support.

I have been through my own trauma. Through a supportive network, I confronted my (Physical) abuser, and told the person how their actions have had a negative impact on my life. If people can not confront their abusers, I have been told it can help to visit the sites where trauma occured, or for some talking about the trauma is enough. Whatever one chooses to do, in my case (talking to the abuser), helped me process my trauma - and learn why the other person inflicted the physical trauma on me in the first place. Thus, I hope that I helped break a cycle – the trauma often starts somewhere with someone and spreads like a virus until it is diagnosed/treated.

These fights can be physical and mentally draining. So, just know, you have people waiting on the side lines to support. When one voice gets hoarse, other voices steps in to keep the noise up. If one person needs to rest, another person wakes up to stand guard. A community of survivors who organize. Moblize. Build coalitions.

In solidary.


MarkinDC24 t1_jeb54b5 wrote

Organize. Mobilize. Build coalitions. Organize. Mobilize. Build coalitions. Organize. Mobilize. Build coalitions.

How can community members help here? Each of us have tools we can leverage and collectively we can make a sizable impact. For those of us who have studied state development, the power of religious institutions is large. For example, in Italy the coercive power of religion can be seen in the menacingly large religious painting of God at the Uffizi Gallery. Before we had kings/queens/presidents, we had religious figures, who people were taught to fear!

Technology has helped level the playing field. Happy to connect with you more to be of service - and I am sure there are plenty of other folks on this thread who share the same sentiment.


MarkinDC24 t1_je4dsdj wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Armed Robberies in SW DC by [deleted]

Your fine to prove an adequate description of criminals, especially if it is coming from an official source (I.e. MPD). Even better, you could reference or cite where you have gotten your description from. What you shouldn’t do, is provide vague references to the criminals features. Why? If you provide ambiguous statements like “you guess the race” it can leave others to assume things about your intention/message.

As an example of what one could assume about your ambiguous statement earlier of the criminal: Did you intend to say, you can just assume it was a person of color? If so, obviously that’s a prejudge thing to do.

Upshot: Clear. Concise. And credibly cited criminal profiles are not a problem.


MarkinDC24 t1_je21k4z wrote

Thank you for notifying the public. As it is important for us all to be better community members, is there anything you’d like the public to know? I am a jogger, if I need to help kick someone’s butt I would be happy to do so. Just don’t know if there is some universal signal for I am being kidnapped. I assume not everyone screams, since it could happen so quickly.

So sorry — and I hope you feel safe walking your dog soon.


MarkinDC24 t1_jcy1ptm wrote

I honestly have concerns. If the child was asleep in the car, in shock did he start to drive away WITH a cop in the car. If so, was he also dragging another cop who might have been investigating the stolen car. Upshot: the underlying issues is the child stole the car. I argue that cops should always try to deescalate when they can, but I also am keenly aware that criminals often choose to escalate.

Cops are humans, not robots. If a criminal has a gun, stole a car, and starts driving with a cop in the car with a gun it sounds like a dangerous situation.


MarkinDC24 t1_jcy1bnk wrote

No one wins. The cop who pulled the trigger will likely deal with regret, could he have done another maneuver that incapacitated not killed the kid? The family will never get to see their child again. These situations do not deserve any “cheerleading” of any kind. It is sad.

Violent criminals belong in jail. If prosecutors are not putting them behind bars, then it isn’t MPD’s fault.


MarkinDC24 t1_jcy0ntt wrote

Perhaps the parents will be held somewhat monetarily responsible? If the women whose home was crashed into civilly sues the deceased kids family, then perhaps you get a different outlook from the deceased kids parents, as they will be held responsible for their child’s reckless actions. Some kids have behavioral issues that are hard for ANY parent to handle but this sounds like a case of bad environmental influences. My parents would have perhaps killed me themselves, if I ever stole someone’s else car.

I have empathy for parents dealing with difficult children. I do not have empathy for parents who do not raise their children, there child endangers their own life and others, and then the parents want some type of community outcry?


MarkinDC24 t1_jbk8a7g wrote


Exactly. Emotional intelligence is important. Cultural attitudes of toxic masculinity are emotionally unintelligent. We need to help others learn about their emotions, if you are mad then process that feeling. Do not act it out, speak it out. These are elementary/foundational principles that require pathologizing people's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.


MarkinDC24 t1_ja5ebac wrote

You believe it is condescending and unsympathetic. I hear you, but that wasn’t my intention.

In real life, everyone is navigating to their job and wants safety. There are strong narratives in our country that police “don’t do their jobs”. When, point of fact, it is often more complex than people realize. The OP literally shared a broadcast detailing the complexity of car thefts, and people still simply the matter to: “police don’t want to do their jobs.” That’s disingenuous.

People can have concerns, but we all need to learn how to channel those concerns constructively. Lest we just sit there and lament. Another option, there is a vacancy on the DC Board of Sentencing. Check it out,{%276%27.EX.%27sentencing+commission%27}AND({%2724%27.EX.%27Active%27})~

Good luck!


MarkinDC24 t1_ja4c3mr wrote

I personally can not commiserate with you about the current state of affairs. In real life, I am busy consulting with others about mechanisms to change law enforcement and criminal codes. In policy, one important mechanism for change are special interest groups who know which levers to pull for their desired results. Consulting takes up way to much of my time, and I do not have time to lament about the status quo.

Good luck to you!


MarkinDC24 t1_ja3wc1f wrote

I mean, I hear you that you believe the cops are incompetent. I would argue, however, the news broadcast provides a more complex answer to the problem: (1) there are police staff storages; (2) and, issues with evidence analysis (I.e., long wait times). Both staffing shortages and evidence wait times are hindering police officers ability to catch criminals. Did you not take away or understand those points in the OP’s broadcast?