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PalpitationNo3106 t1_iscykq3 wrote

Depends on the wine, of course. They come from seven different distributors (and different stores have different delivery schedules) which wine are you looking for? (I work at one of them, I can get you this answer)


LattaCooties OP t1_isd36r1 wrote

I was hoping there would be a TJ’s employee somewhere around here. Thank you for any insight you can offer.

Grifone Primitivo Sangiovese TJ’s Merlot TJ’s reserve merlot

I haven’t seen Purple Moon in ages. Does TJ’s still carry that?


PalpitationNo3106 t1_isd72f8 wrote

Purple moon Chardonnay exists, the reds have been discontinued. The grifone Sangiovese should come in Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The Primitivo is waiting for a new vintage. The reserves are limited editions, so your particular one may be gone. The current one is Sonoma, and decent.

Call the store of your choice and we’ll be happy to put some aside for you on the next order.


LattaCooties OP t1_isd7ib3 wrote

RIP purple moon merlot. My favorite 😭

Looks like Tues is my day to go to TJ’s. I will call ahead next time. Thanks so much!!


walkallover1991 t1_isghyvn wrote

Do you know if "Oxte-The Silence" Red Blend is gone? I haven't seen it in a minute. Very drinkable imo.

Also, unrelated, are the frozen Organic Pizza Crusts gone? They weren't a TJ brand item...they were some brand from Italy...something like Montelli?


PalpitationNo3106 t1_isi4tfk wrote

Should be. Yes, the Oxte is a good value.

And the frozen crusts have gone to the great demo stand in the sky, I’m sorry to say. They were just too good for this world.