
PalpitationNo3106 t1_je7umtq wrote

Cops have always made OT. But instead of deploying them to places where there is actual violent crime, they’re deployed to the highest bidder. How does this protect and serve? You get police protection, if you can afford it? Will MPD be able to deploy more cops to neighborhoods experiencing high levels of violence? Or will they be restricted by having a contract to rent them out to someone else? You gonna go tell a neighborhood that has had a dozen murders this year that they can have more cops, it’s just $2k a night.


PalpitationNo3106 t1_je7ns2l wrote

Amazing. MPD constantly says they don’t have enough officers to cover areas, but when you’re willing to pay the OT, all of a sudden they got you covered. $100/hour to sit in your cop suv and play candy crush? Not too shabby. Also fun fact! The BID is responsible for all the OT from any activity these police are involved in. Make an arrest? Four more hours of OT to take the person in and do the paperwork. Goes to trial? Paying to meet the prosecutors and testify? On the BID.


PalpitationNo3106 t1_jac94ja wrote

Well interest rates for escrow accounts have been almost nothing for years. But yes. You must open an escrow account at a bank in DC. You must tell your tenants what bank you are using, and every six months what the interest rate for the previous period was. Just remember that the security deposit is the tenant’s money, not the landlord’s

For a small landlord, or for any individual tenants, it’s a small amount of money (my last security deposit in DC was $500 (I lived there for 13 years so it’s been a while) even over that time at .25% it’s not much. But imagine being bozzutto, and having $2000 from each of 5000 tenants. The temptation to use that $10m for an investment must be high.


PalpitationNo3106 t1_ja8auqi wrote

Your landlord holds your security deposit in a separate bank account (and it has to be a DC bank account) after one year whatever interest your account accrues is yours when it is returned to you. It’s not a lot of money, but it helps keep landlords honest about


PalpitationNo3106 t1_j9m0hoj wrote

Previous administrations had brought waves of bright eyed young people in. Clinton did. Bush did. Obama really did. Trump just didn’t. And Biden brought a small wave, but not a change level one (probably a combination of COVID and Joe) trump just didn’t fill a couple thousand political appointed jobs.


PalpitationNo3106 t1_j7j0ph7 wrote

I know of four people who died in the Castle. James Henry (the first curator who lived there as well) his young son) who died before his father, Fielding Meek, paleontologist, who lived in the castle with his cat and a construction worker who fell to his death (I’m ashamed I don’t know his name off the top of my head, he’s just as important as Henry or Meek)


PalpitationNo3106 t1_j60r9ac wrote

If you want whisky, you want Jack Rose. One of the best whisky bars in the world. Bring your Amex, they have stuff you won’t find anywhere else and a staff that will help you find it. (Remember those four digit COVID payments? I spent all mine at Jack Rose on stuff I’ll never see again) (I was an ‘essential’ worker, so my income was actually higher during COVID, so whatever). As for steak, yeah, St Anselms.


PalpitationNo3106 t1_j1w65r4 wrote

There are several on the south eastern side of the Anacostia. The Naval research labs has a couple, the Secret Service has a couple. The ones on Hummers are mostly Avengers (basically two four packs of stinger missiles) the others are NASAMS (a Norwegian anti-aircraft missile system) for all the money the US spends on weapons, we don’t have a natively developed SAM capability, so we use the Norwegian system to defend our capital. If you look closely, you can sometimes see Avenger systems scattered around town. I know the Naval Observatory has them, there are at least two on rooftops near the White House.