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Falldog OP t1_iufo5qy wrote

I saw this at a museum up in Maine and it reminded me of DC and the folks always asking about the old fire call boxes. I'm not 100% sure that he ones that used to be in DC were the same, but I imagine these are pretty close.


homerule t1_iuft2ek wrote

Thank you for sharing! I’ve always wondered.


EC_dwtn t1_iufyt6o wrote

This is how it worked pretty much everywhere. The nomenclature of box alarms, box areas, etc still exists in much of the fire service today.


sprint113 t1_iuh5oeo wrote

Because they are spring powered and use telegraphs, they will still work in power and telecommunications outages. They're still in use in the Boston area and some other metropolitan areas, though I think the last time they were used to call the FS in the Boston area was like 1999.