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TMacOnTheTrack t1_irr6do2 wrote

Poverty tourism. Sounds like a buzz word I heard a couple years ago in the movie Forty year version. Poverty porn. Left leaning people of a certain demographic would delight in hearing my stories from down south B (DC is not southern but that’s an argument for another day). Being a natural born story teller I told and told said story. I started to notice that they would ask occasional leading questions and make implications.

“Gosh growing up in the Deep South that must’ve been tough for you huh?” It was fine. I had a middle class upbringing. If anything I’m a black sheep for not getting a master’s degree. If I mentioned a hardship they would follow up with “it’s because you’re black. That’s so sad.” No it’s because… I just explained how and why xyz happened. Nope we’re not doing any poverty porn here. But left leaning people of a certain demographic love to salivate over poverty porn.