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Prince_Haibin t1_irtzmkd wrote

you know, i've walked from from crystal city to national before, and it was actually not the worst. I'm curious to see how the pedestrian bridge will bring improvements


texabyte t1_iru045r wrote

It's just National


reivax t1_iru30kc wrote

It's circuitous. And complex for travelers with bags and kids. This is so much cleaner.

The VRE connection helps a ton. VRE doesn't run much, but it doesn't go to many places. The more destinations it serves, the more reasonable it'll be to run frequently, the more frequently it runs, the more people will build things accessible to it. It's a great positive feedback loop.


klawehtgod t1_iru31t9 wrote

The plan is for me to walk to the airport? With my luggage and exposed to whatever the outdoor temperature and weather is? Can someone tell me why this is an option I would choose?


oochas t1_iru55ae wrote

About time. It’s stupid to have to connect from the VRE to National via metro at Alexandria, rather than just walking from Crystal City.


walkallover1991 t1_iru7jie wrote

Reagan National idk her...

In all seriousness, it could be simply overlooked when creating the rendering, but why would you construct such a pedestrian bridge without moving walkways or a rain covering? Odd.


reivax t1_iruep2l wrote

Because it connects to a new train station, a bunch of hotels, and whole neighborhood. If I was staying in those hotels, it would be greatly beneficial for me to make that walk rather than pay to be driven.


PubliusDC t1_iruj2kh wrote

It looks like it is supposed to be multi-modal. They may be trying to maximize walking, biking, and scooting space and adding another 8-10 feet of width for moving walkways would make it too large.


chefr89 t1_iruk7tc wrote

I have walked from CC to the airport three or four times and each time I do I swear I'll never do it again. you'd think it'd be easy but somehow I get lost every damn time


RockSciRetired t1_iruky34 wrote

I used to live in crystal city. jaywalked across the gw parkway to get to national a dozen times or so.


herereadthis t1_irulocs wrote

I'm just glad nobody is calling it National Landing just to make Lord bezos happy.


pandorazboxx t1_iruta5v wrote

this sounds perfect for me. I usually take the VRE up from Fredericksburg for weekday flights. and I have to get off at Alexandria and walk over to the king Street station to take the metro up to DCA. I've missed a return train a few times thanks to Metro. A straight shot from Crystal City sounds great.


FreshYoungBalkiB t1_irvii81 wrote

Is there such a thing, anywhere on Earth, as a pedestrian-accessible airport?


ekkidee t1_irvl0jh wrote

"National" Airport.


JCDubbz t1_irvr1m9 wrote

They should tunnel it underground and connect it to the Crystal city underground, mole people unite!


SgtToastie t1_irvreno wrote

Why jaywalk with the tunnel/underpass by the water park or sidewalk along airport access road? Now I'm curious where you jaywalked to get over the rail lines more than the GW.


Stitchee t1_irvui9y wrote

National's kind of been that way for a long while. I haven't done it in a while, but I used to take the afternoon off and walk the Mt. Vernon trail from downtown to DCA when family would visit. It's a lovely walk, though yes, it's a bit weird that you can walk to an airport.


eudaimonia_dc t1_irvukgm wrote

Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't there already a trail that goes from Crystal City towards DCA? I know I've seen the sign a million times while biking to Alexandria on the Mt Vernon trail.


HankScorpioPR t1_irvvhq2 wrote

Yeah, I've done it before by myself but it's no picnic. Everytime I travel with my wife she insists on taking an Uber, even though we live in CC. This bridge will be a huge improvement.


Illin-ithid t1_irw1brf wrote

I can't help but feel making things uncomfortable on purpose will lead to it being less usable in general. Kind of like all the silver line metro stations being elevated, exposed, and kind of difficult to walk to.


CriticalStrawberry t1_irw1my7 wrote

Threads like this remind me that people actually call airports things besides their ident codes.


altotower t1_irw1vse wrote

You can walk in via the Mount Vernon trail but you’ll be contending with all the bike commuters on the MVT - not ideal if you’re carrying luggage. Plus, it’s over a mile with all the twists and turns, whereas a direct pedestrian bridge would only be 1000 feet or so.


finessekingjay t1_irw50sk wrote

What we really need is a walking bridge from the wharf to Crystal city


well-that-was-fast t1_irwazk0 wrote

Not really, most airports are way too big to really be pedestrian accessible. San Diego and DCA are probably among the best, and both are tiny at 650 to 750 acres. Even medium sized airports like ORD are 10 times larger with large airports nearly 60 times larger. You just can't make walking across 7000 acres "easy."

But there are many transit-accessible airports including Chicago and London. Honestly, DCA isn't too bad for that, and this bridge is an improvement. Although the bridge is a typical nova silliness of building a giant ludicrous structure to make up for poor original design.


Mr5t1k t1_irwbpeu wrote

Monica Lewinsky airport


brodies t1_irwgvnc wrote

I don’t even get the inclusion of the 9D alternative. If the goal is to make it usable from the VRE station, then the first option, 7D, is obviously superior. The northern part of Crystal City is also a lot denser with offices, etc. With 9D, you have to head west out of the VRE, walk a couple blocks south, get on the bridge, and then head back north through the parking garage to enter the Metro. Who would want that in comparison to just heading straight over? Who are we trying to benefit with 9D? Just a bit more money to Vornado?


pengo242 t1_irwp1ai wrote

Doesn't this already exist? Flight crews make this walk all the time.


Guilty_Proof6719 t1_irx2p5s wrote

The Crystal City Renaissance is super real…thanks (mostly) to the injection of Amazon $$ we will see expensive new public works for the next half-century or so.


FansRuinTheSport t1_irxfpet wrote

Yes. It's pretty common actually, especially when you take into account regional and small airports. The real question is, how many international airports are pedestrian-accessible?

DCA isn't international, but it is pretty easy to walk to. But there is a lot of traffic to and from the airport from the Pentagon, as you might imagine, so making that an easier trip is convenient I suppose.


VulcanMind1 t1_is839kk wrote

The proposal is an open air walkway bridge. The only benefit is a shorter walk from the current maze. They could at least put a roof on the bridge or ideally make it an enclosed walkway so people don't have to walk in the snow and rain right out of the airport.