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NorseTikiBar t1_ixdmkhr wrote

Cities are for people, not for cars.


[deleted] t1_ixerno0 wrote



NorseTikiBar t1_ixesb4l wrote

Uh huh. That is definitely something you've seen because it's so commonplace. Sure.


[deleted] t1_ixey92c wrote



Here4thebeer3232 t1_ixg8kl7 wrote

You're statistically more likely to be seriously injured or killed while driving. But hey, what do statistics know


AGR_51A004M t1_ixeef89 wrote

Sure, because cars drive themselves around for fun.


Fuzzy_Win8285 t1_ixehmd0 wrote

The point is that the way we build cities reflects our priorities and values. If you begin with the premise that everyone will have a car and use it as their primary means of transportation, then you end up with a city that is very different (in my view worse) than if you begin with the premise that cities should be enjoyable for the people who live and work in them, and navigable without the use of a car.