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orionstein t1_iye8s3a wrote

Yeh, we tend to just uber there and back


lmboyer04 t1_iyeggpe wrote

Is the queue not insanely long by 3-4 am with no drivers and everyone leaving at once?


frisbeedog1 t1_iyew6hz wrote

You can sometimes flag down a taxi and haggle with them if you want to skip the queue


Zandanista t1_iyf0kt5 wrote

>Burning Tree

DC Yellow Cab and Curb are viable taxi-based ride hailing apps, which I regularly use in DC, for those in need


orionstein t1_iyej2tb wrote

I mean yeh, but you get a ride eventually. Beats driving


Neversoft4long t1_iyf0om2 wrote

You can walk down past the McDonald’s and it will be easier to grab one