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Formergr t1_j26sun8 wrote

They’re certainly taking over this sub. I love bikes but man it’s literally every other post these days.

Maybe some of this content can go to r/bikedc for those of us less obsessed?


CharmingAbandon t1_j28mhwm wrote

Yeah, I don't get why bikers are always on here complaining about people attempting to murder them with their cars. Just be grateful that your near death experience helped someone arrive at their destination 24 seconds sooner.


Working-Grapefruit42 t1_j2955hd wrote

Honestly bikers need better bike safety on their own part instead of blaming people in cars… they be speeding thru traffic with literally no protection around your body you have to understand that comes with bear death experiences… I say this as a person who has been tboned by a car that ran a red light while on my bike
