Submitted by Affectionate-Ad-1342 t3_zvr8kd in washingtondc

Would love for this to be a big thread. What organizations provide resources or need in-person support? I know a lot of this is still in flux, but please add what you know below!

  • Clothes donations.
  • Supplies.
  • On-site volunteers.
  • Monetary donations.

I’ve seen Sanctuary DMV float around.

Also, please refrain from any debates here about US immigration. Would really love to just simply gather some organizations’ names.

EDIT Adding responses for easy access:

  • Sanctuary DC
  • Catholic Charities
  • Cap Hill United Methodist Church
  • SAMU
  • Migrant Help DMV
  • Lutheran Social Services North Capital Area
  • Helpful WaPo article
  • Friendship Place
  • World Central Kitchen
  • Central Union Mission


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NPRjunkieDC t1_j1rao9x wrote

When a group of migrants arrived in NY, the discussion was if they could be housed on a boat.

What many don't understand is that these migrants come here to work. They usually have family back home that are dependent on the few dollars they can send .

They are hard-working people. They don't come here to become a public charge. Their kids need to attend local schools, but that is a win/win if these kids can have a better chance in life .


Affectionate-Ad-1342 OP t1_j1rcfn4 wrote

Right. At the end of the day, they’re humans. Just want to help in any way I can. I think people would be shocked to learn how much America runs on migrant workers. The “no one wants to work” anymore crowd doesn’t like the migrants that come here for work and a better life.


joymarie21 t1_j1qp3r5 wrote

I know Capitol Hill United Methodist Church was helping when they were bussing them to Union Station. From what I saw on the news last night, it looked like Catholic Charities was involved. You might want to contact both of these. At one point CHUMC was asking for backpacks.


NPRjunkieDC t1_j1qo4zc wrote

I don't know the specific names of the charities involved . I heard this morning they had buses waiting to take them to a church where they had warm food . Then they had buses to help them get to their final destination where the migrants have friends or family .

Thank God for these volunteers on Christmas day and one of the coldest days ever.

Friendship Place + Central Union Mission + World Central Kitchen are the ones I donate to monthly that help the homeless or less fortunate.

The director/CEO of Food for America once or twice stood in line for food during a difficult period in her life and was struck by the kindness and no judgement.


Inappropriate_Piano t1_j1r0p8y wrote

The amount of love shown for these people who were sent here specifically to show “liberal hypocrisy” would be both uplifting and hilarious if it weren’t so sad that it happened in the first place.


Flame87 t1_j1r2ton wrote

The sucky part is they still take the win because they weren't put up in a 5 star hotel.


Affectionate-Ad-1342 OP t1_j1r69bc wrote

Thank you! I’ve tried to donate here and there to World Central Kitchen. Yes, thank goodness for those folks.


nomasslurpee t1_j1r58vk wrote


Affectionate-Ad-1342 OP t1_j1r7upp wrote

Thank you! I like how they list items out.


nomasslurpee t1_j1r87yu wrote

I have been looking to find ways to help but it’s always so scary sending money. I have no idea if these places are still current but I have a bag of warm clothes I can donate.


No_Hedgehog415 t1_j1r12yz wrote

Sanctuary DMV as you mentioned. Also, Lutheran Social Services North Capitol Area works with refugee populations. Remember they were at the forefront coordinating services and housing for individuals fleeing Afghanistan.

Might be nice to see the local buy nothing groups partner with some of these groups. However I know there are a lot of challenges with used and worn goods.

Know some people personally that are recent immigrants/migrants that have been helped by the variety of groups in the area (think Hyattsville might have a high concerning?). Just wish I could remember all the different charity and org names. Hopefully this thread gets bigger as anecdotally these groups have real lasting impact.


Affectionate-Ad-1342 OP t1_j1r6ey0 wrote

Thank you! Yeah, in addition to bigger orgs, would love to see maybe smaller local names (those are ones I don’t know of…) who have huge impact like you said.


KatelynAllie t1_j1sx3d1 wrote

Thank you for starting this thread!!


MalHierba t1_j1t3ahr wrote

Donate to legal aid organizations in the area.


nomasslurpee t1_j1wj7zq wrote

I’ve emailed the archdiocese and asked to confirm whether Catholic Charities was still involved. I’d read that they had fizzled out. Mutual Aid for Migrants was listed in a couple news articles but I couldn’t find an actual website for them. I also tweeted at sanctuary dmv for their confirmation for donations. I’ll update when I hear something back.


DC-DE t1_j1t1vap wrote

Thanks for getting this thread started.


C0333 t1_j1ra55b wrote

The more you help the more TX keeps sending. It’s a troll job


OnceUponLititz t1_j1rfd9k wrote

That's not why Texas, or Florida, or any other racist governor is sending them.


[deleted] t1_j1r4xlc wrote



OnceUponLititz t1_j1rfggs wrote

Show me where anyone told you that you had to house anyone. I'll wait.


DC-DE t1_j1t1sil wrote

Angry MAGA/Trump/GQP Republican who realizes the "bus plan" is backfiring. I bet he calls himself a good Christian on Sundays. That and/or he's a Putin troll.