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celj1234 t1_j2a47xz wrote

  1. This just isn’t true

  2. There is street parking. A parking lot, and garages in the area.

  3. That walk to the mall is great.

  4. There are so many food spots right in MVT. Hell there are 4 spots you can get tacos in a 2 block radius

  5. Chinios, Ciel, CloakRoom, and over under all stay open till 2am/3am

  6. MVT is a much more desirable place to live then Chinatown at this point. What are you even talking about?


demize1234 t1_j2ay78z wrote

This. Original comment is dumb.


celj1234 t1_j2bbz8m wrote

They sound like someone that hadn’t been in MVT in 8 years


NOOBEv14 t1_j2bql2e wrote

Been about a week


celj1234 t1_j2bvfxw wrote

No chance.


NOOBEv14 t1_j2c45l5 wrote

When people who don’t agree with you start downvoting statements of fact, that’s when you know you’re arguing about what you want to be true, not what’s actually true.

But in fairness it has actually been nine days.


celj1234 t1_j2c4dxl wrote

I already wrote out why your original 6 points were clueless nonsense