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t1_j25qrdc wrote

DO NOT! DO NOT! DO NOT SUBSCRIBE WITH SAFELINK. You will spend countless hours over the phone. I don't know how it works, but they are doing something shady or scamming you in a way where they might be profiting from cancelling your account/service any given day without warning or legit reason and then having you re-enroll...I guess a way they make money from additional enrollment??? You will experience examples of the below and your service will be disrupted 100% for weeks:

--abrupt service cancellation--provide various lies from various rep on the reason for your cancellation e.g. 'we (Safelink) didn't cancel you. Your state's Lifeline Administrator Agency cancelled it'. LIES, LIES, LIES--phone is not whitelisted when in fact it is--it's automated menu navigation system will disconnect your on hold/transfer 95% of the times--etc...


YOU NEED TO REPORT TO: FCC, attorney general, state's Public Utilities Commission, BBB!!! I would think other similar Lifeline providers have similar atrocious schemes/support. Save Report them too! Save a complaint version to share in forums whenever you can. This is how the people fight back!


t1_j25tikc wrote

I've had it for five years with no problems. Kaiser Permanente signed me up. You sound seriously crazy and you are completely ignorant of how the system works.


t1_j279q66 wrote

sure, call me crazy or ignorant of how this government subsized system works. Sure WoMan. Yes, I was completely ignorant of such sleazy company cheating/scamming customers or providing very bad customer services. Either you are truly lucky person, in that case invest in some lottery tickets, or you are a lying SOB, working for or related to someone associated with Safelink. Why the heck would Kaiser sign up for you? You would have to submit proof of eligbility, sign and such. GTHOOH. Go do your research of the many complaints. Start helping people with the truth