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thekingoftherodeo t1_j5v6nho wrote

> Your roadmap to the Washington food scene

Proceeds to include a restaurant from Annapolis and one from Centreville.

Edit: And indeed Front Royal with IALW

Beltway or bust for these lists tbh, if you can't get there by Metro/Metrobus then it shouldn't be on it.


1800TurdFerguson t1_j5vhfcs wrote

The Inn at Little Washington is south of Front Royal, and is perennially included on these lists.


thekingoftherodeo t1_j5vj49w wrote

It’s only included because it’s 3*, if it was a BG or anything like that it’d be a VA restaurant and Washingtonian wouldn’t be claiming it as DC.


GenericReditAccount t1_j5vkb78 wrote

So we just need to convince Michelin to take away its stars. I’m on it.


thekingoftherodeo t1_j5vl07h wrote

Didn’t say that, but it’s strictly speaking not a DC restaurant. It’s not even a DMV restaurant, along with a bunch on that list.

I mean where do we stop? Delaware? West Virginia? Do we start claiming restaurants in downtown Manhattan?


GenericReditAccount t1_j5vm85u wrote

You misunderstand me. I agree with you, and am sarcastically suggesting we campaign to get the stars pulled, so that it’s no longer on the DC lists.


LoganSquire t1_j5volwm wrote

Who else is claiming it? Richmond? Baltimore?

No? Then I don’t have an issue with it on the DC list.


NorseTikiBar t1_j5vp71a wrote

The Shenandoah region would be the easy answer here.


LoganSquire t1_j5vpfjd wrote

Oh yes. All those magazines making lists of the Top 100 Shenandoah Region restaurants. Would hate to step on their turf.


NorseTikiBar t1_j5vq6ht wrote

I didn't realize that geographical designations also included "does a magazine feature them in a dining feature." I'll be sure to keep that in mind for your future pedantry.


GenitalPatton t1_j5w5vsm wrote

I think it claims it’s a Washington restaurant, which is technically true


ItsNotAllZeroSum t1_j5vn40l wrote

There’s no non- DC restaurants in the MG—not even non-DC but still within the beltway.


NorseTikiBar t1_j5vpcnk wrote

Yeah, it reminds me that DCist article that came out about places you could explore using the new Silver Line extension, and nearly every single one said "and then take a 10 minute Uber." Kinda missing the point there.


Nespot-despot t1_j5wj60n wrote

Totally disagree. I will drive anywhere within 75 minutes for a great meal.
