
madmoneymcgee t1_je1wias wrote

I read The Great Society Subway last year and a few things stood out:

  1. The relative lack of control the local governments had did help. It really was a federal project and local places either got in line or they got nothing. And no one really wanted to be left out so that's how we got all 5 (now 6) lines. You notice when the Feds had political leaders who liked metro things went better and when you had leaders who didn't then things slowed down a lot.
  2. Every time they tried to cut costs by rerouting or abandoning a line they ended up either not saving any money or finding out the original plan was probably the best all along.
  3. Bus service today suffers because it was forced to be part of metro after the fact and was never really integrated that well in terms of an overall service philosophy. They were promised as a better replacement for the city's streetcar system but never actually given a chance to do so.
  4. NPS has always been a villain when it comes to Metro. They fought hard against a "Smithsonian" station at all much less an entrance actually on the mall. Can you imagine?

madmoneymcgee t1_ja9pgp5 wrote

I want the evidence cited that Austin and Portland have "lost all charm and weirdness".

Unless the landscape in both those cities is nothing but Chilis and other chains and no active local bands or other groups in the arts I don't really know how much the city has irrevocably changed vs. the natural cycle of businesses which are hard to operate long term.

There are plenty of places in Richmond I miss but there also lots of new places that are exciting to see.


madmoneymcgee t1_j6h03u8 wrote

It’s fine if there’s a good deal on a hotel and you don’t mind driving a bit to get to the city itself. Like getting a hotel in Towson for a trip to Baltimore (but a little closer since the region isn’t as big).

If by staying you mean spending your time in short pump then I guess but there’s not much there you couldn’t find in say, White Marsh or Columbia.


madmoneymcgee t1_j3m3fwd wrote

People with disabilities are less likely to be driving around and more transit dependent.

One big trait of villainy is to just make up whatever justification you want for doing what you want to do even when the facts aren't even close to backing you up.


madmoneymcgee t1_j19gbws wrote

  1. It's most dangerous when its actively snowing (or sleeting or whatever). That probably won't be the case on Christmas day. This is because its hard to do anything but maintenance plowing/salting until it actually stops.
  2. Stuff can refreeze overnight but that's why they put the salt on the roads to lower water's freezing point even further. But still worth it to be careful. If you notice icy spots on the walk to the car that'll be a good sign of what to expect.
  3. Even then, the key to ice and snow is to go *slow* and give yourself lots of distance. Some crashes are unavoidable in these conditions but a few days after the last snow drop? That's just from bad driving generally even if slippery ice is a factor.

madmoneymcgee t1_j0vmegh wrote

Reply to comment by Animaled in Death Cab/Postal Service Shows by Chaiwok

Yeah, DCFC sold out their last show at the Anthem (back in September) I'm pretty sure so I thought it was pretty obvious they'd do a bigger venue if they could for this. I couldn't figure where exactly *inside dc* but once I heard it was Meriweather I thought it made sense.


But now they've done this and I wonder the same as you if I just go ahead and try for this and worry about Merriweather later.


madmoneymcgee t1_iz3bvdo wrote

But that’s always been the case. The roads always been two lanes with a parking lane.

But like you say, it all comes with more places opening up along the road and rise in ride sharing. Those things happened with or without bikes.

But still, we have the data on trip times along the street today and in the past. Bike lanes aren’t leading to longer trips by car in dc. Funny enough there’s evidence that ride share makes congestion worse so if we are gonna restrict something let’s restrict the thjng that is actually making traffic worse.


madmoneymcgee t1_iz3717u wrote

Is it *actually* a mess? As in are the intersections seeing fewer cars make it through and the levels of service drop?

That road has been 2 lanes as long as I can remember anyway. The only change was parking on one side went away to make more total room for the bike lanes.


madmoneymcgee t1_iz32uk4 wrote

I'm being completely serious when I say that I can't think of an example across the DMV where bike lanes went in and made the car traffic worse. Like, actually worse measured by real quantitative counts. Lots of people like to complain but rarely even bother to have the data to back it up.

There have been a couple examples where political pressure reversed a change but the numbers never actually backed it up.

Some of it is survivorship bias. DDOT simply isn't going to advance any sort of project where their numbers suggest car traffic would get really bad.

Some of it is that traffic is way more resilient than we realize. Trips start and end far from any one corridor so people who know that a route is no longer no good (not that NJ was ever any good in the first place) will make changes way earlier than right there.

And better yet this cascades as we get more and more people on bikes.


madmoneymcgee t1_iy8rqmz wrote

These things snowball where people get all bent out of shape and whip others up in a frenzy. Especially in an area that was kind of sleepy before but isn't now. No one in Glen Allen or Short Pump or Midlothian give a damn about a new sheetz because they have those up all the time.


madmoneymcgee t1_iujafy6 wrote

Things to consider:

  1. Education: if you haven't had the chance or opportunity to go to school or get some good job specific training now is a good opportunity. It's hard to quantify in some ways but investing in your self in this way can pay off very well over time (compared to your current job).
  2. I don't care why you went to prison but now that you're out you may want to use some of this to pay a lawyer what it takes to expunge your record so it can be easier to apply to jobs in the future if they ask about felonies).
  3. Beyond that, follow the flow chart here. Make sure some is put away for emergencies and then when it comes "investing" make sure you're investing in tax-advantaged accounts that will help in the future. If your job offers a 401k it might make sense to put as much of your pay from now until the end of the year into that and use some of this to pay for the day to day expenses your salary usually covers. But for that to be a good idea needs more info overall (what your job is and the benefits they offer, what your monthly expenses are, etc)