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BlakeClass t1_j6799f9 wrote

Overcome the objections before they happen. Meaning write out how you’d explain it to them if you didn’t care how they reacted.

you know what they’ll say. so, play out the conversation in your head with their objections.

Example: “I work for the Universal Negro Improvement Association we are dedicated to racial pride, economic self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent Black nation in Africa.”

Them: “lol racial pride. That would be racist if I did that as a white man.”

Them: “self sufficiency?! Yea ok. Why they always looking for handouts then? Lol”

Them: “independent black nation in afrika wtf? So you buy them plane tickets, I’ll donate? Why they wanna go there so bad anyways, place is a dump.”


Then you start over coming the objectives one by one in a way they’ll understand.

Then you add your answers and explanations into your description.

New Example: “I work for the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Our mission statement is ‘we are dedicated to racial pride, economic self-sufficiency, and the formation of an independent Black nation in Africa.’ But obviously that needs an explanation. Racial pride isn’t so much a black vs white thing, it’s an American thing, we’re a great country because we have a great history to be proud of, but black peoples history in America isn’t as thrilling, there were some dark times, and that’s tough to come to gripes with if you’re growing up black in America. It can feel like being an unwanted stranger in your own house, this causes something called black self hate, it’s kind of like depression, like aunt Mary Grace has, and you know how she makes bad decisions when she gets like that. So we feel learning the accomplishments of black history both in America and Africa is important, so that black people have something to be confident in and be proud of.

The second part about self reliance, and yes jimothy I know they love their handouts, and that’s part of the problem. It’s like how feeding an animal makes it not have the will or need to hunt, if you feed an animal it’s whole life then it won’t teach it’s kids how to hunt and provide for itself, now that animal is reliant on you for survival right? Right. That’s why it’s important for the black community to be able to support itself, important to be able to rely on themself, then they teach their kids that and it’s a cycle if improvement for black people and the nation as a whole. This feeds back into the racial pride part, now they have something to be proud of. We believe this is possible and we believe it is beneficial, but many black people cant see this as a possibility, that’s why we preach that their ability to provide for another race for hundreds of years is proof itself that it’s possible to provide for their own race.

Regarding going back to Africa, no, you can keep your delta miles if that’s what you were thinking! it’s not about plane tickets back home. An independent nation in Africa would be more of a fall back, a place of unity. Maybe some would go relocate, maybe some would visit, but all would be proud to have somewhere to call ‘their own’ in a time of hardship or crisis if that should ever occur. It’s about having options, having culture, and having brotherhood. Ideally all of us will achieve that here in America both black and white, but that’s proven to be harder than everyone expected, so it’s good to have a back up plan.

Anyways, that’s what I do.”

Do you see how the second example is much better for your crowd than what you’d say?


hushpuppylife OP t1_j67a1ab wrote

Thanks taking the time to share your advice. I appreciate it!

But agreed. Having a good sense ahead of time is better than trying to stumble through things in the fly


BlakeClass t1_j67a7et wrote

Yes exactly. You get the point I was making. You’re going to need to lead the entire thing to accomplish what you stated you want to accomplish.