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jjb1197j t1_ja6sdq3 wrote

Their relationship is very weird. I can’t understand why Putin doesn’t just take over Belarus and have their soldiers fight for him since that whole country is basically just little Russia.


TheDukeOfMars t1_ja6uiyw wrote

Study Italy during World War 2. Once UK and US invaded Sicily, the fascist party kicked out and arrested Mussolini, then offered to switch sides against Nazis. The Nazis then freed Mussolini, disarmed and replaced all Italian troops on the front to stop allied advance up the peninsula - leading for the need for D-Day/invasion of Normandy.

The second the war starts going badly, Belarus government/people will kick out Lukashenko and Russia will have to effectively occupy the country like Germany did Italy. Good chance Lukashenko meets the same fate as Mussolini when all this is over (which is pretty bad. You should read how he died because history often rhymes).


Zerole00 t1_ja7ppnv wrote

>which is pretty bad.

What? I read your second link and he just got shot, that's not bad at all? Now if we're talking about days of torture involving flaying and fire, that might be getting into the territory of reasonably just.


RecharginMyLaza t1_ja7qu89 wrote

Relative to not dying, getting shot is pretty bad.

OP might be referring to this line in the article though about why it was pretty bad

> At least twelve different individuals have, at various times, been claimed to be the killer.

Could this imply that he was shot multiple times?


jacxy t1_ja9voq2 wrote

I read it like the development of the Ford Mustang.

The saying goes something like "with how many men claim to be the father of the Mustang, I'd hate to be the mother".

Of course that's a shitty and misogynistic thing to say, but it illustrates the way people play up their role in anything worthwhile.


ModsofWTsuckducks t1_jaa3xbv wrote

How he actually died is not really clear. the circumstances and all. It wasn't done in public, only after the fact he was exposed. Which is a shame, he should have been sentenced and killed after a fair trial, then, I think, we would have less fascists wannabe today.


winterwar45 t1_ja80pq2 wrote

I wonder what would happen if Lukashenko dies suddenly


10YearsANoob t1_ja7k75s wrote

Because unlike Russians, Belarussians aren't affected by the 30 years of state sponsored brainwashing. They literally spent the entire covid years clashing with their police and some parts of the military until Russia put a stop to it with their state sponsored face smashers with the name of OMON.


RecommendationPlus56 t1_ja8fgtu wrote

That's simply untrue. Belarus media under full state control and has same level of propaganda as russia. Main protests take only two months - August and September 2021 - just after results of fake elections were published. Peacful protest were supressed just by internal forces of Belarus with cruelty, many people vanished and many more told stories about beatings and tortures by militia and KGB, russian rosgvardiya forces were concetrated near the border and ready to enter Belarus but never did.


poseidondeep t1_ja6ssne wrote

Needs the political cover of Belarus agreeing publicly to join Russia. Can’t take another war / insurgency right now


peter-doubt t1_ja6um9t wrote

He has Lukaschenko.. a ready made, willing puppet.

No reason to fire a shot