
TheDukeOfMars t1_ja6uiyw wrote

Study Italy during World War 2. Once UK and US invaded Sicily, the fascist party kicked out and arrested Mussolini, then offered to switch sides against Nazis. The Nazis then freed Mussolini, disarmed and replaced all Italian troops on the front to stop allied advance up the peninsula - leading for the need for D-Day/invasion of Normandy.

The second the war starts going badly, Belarus government/people will kick out Lukashenko and Russia will have to effectively occupy the country like Germany did Italy. Good chance Lukashenko meets the same fate as Mussolini when all this is over (which is pretty bad. You should read how he died because history often rhymes).


TheDukeOfMars t1_j2875j8 wrote

It took the US 50 years of continuous research to get a net positive fusion output. They were just able to do it for the first time this month after working on the project for multiple generations. Unfortunately, I don’t see this being a viable technology for many many many decades. It’s way more complicated than nuclear fission.


TheDukeOfMars t1_j1ykn09 wrote

Because the longer the pandemic went on, the more time we had time to study it, prepare, and adapt our healthcare systems. The more we studied it, the more we knew how to track + respond to future Covid outbreaks.

Also, more people are vaccinated and that lowers the threat of a nationwide outbreak. Which means there is less chance of failure to the overall healthcare system.

We can treat people and get relatively good outcomes if 1 in 10 people get sick. The whole hospital system collapses if 6 in 10 people get sick. China is now stuck with the latter.


TheDukeOfMars t1_j1suwgc wrote

Turkey is a unitary state, rather than a federal one. That means the national government has direct authority over local politics. So even in a majority Kurd area, they may not feel equally represented at the national level. And the national government ultimately will determine policy at the local level.

Sure, they get to send representatives to the national congress, but because they are such a significant minority those representatives are pretty much powerless. “All politics is local.” We should have governments that reflect that.

Federalism is the way to go for ethnically and politically diverse countries in my opinion. It allows for national rule but local rule is also very important. But that would require changing the entire constitution.
