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stormelemental13 t1_jdscdd9 wrote

No one has a right to your labor or your business, especially not for free.

Imagine if someone came up to you said you had to work for them because it was an emergency, with nothing but a vague promise that the government would pay you back, maybe, somehow.


kaioone t1_jdsd1pf wrote

It’s not for free, the government is refunding them.


supernova_68 t1_jdtc62r wrote

At rates lower than cost of doing business for many hospitals thats why many small hospitals in villages had already refused to participate in an already working state sponsored health insurance scheme, because the cost of doing business in their area was higher than what the govt. Was offering.

Its like mandating you to work at rate lower than minimum wage.


Train-Robbery t1_jdtp8y6 wrote

If the government says they'll do something , they definitely will not do that