
pinkcheems OP t1_jdr635x wrote

India is not a free market like USA. Especially drug prices in india are highly controlled by govt. You should read drug price control order (DPCO) act, 2013 of India. There is a formula provided by govt to calculate MRP of drugs. Here is the example how it is calculated- .

Calculation of ceiling price of a scheduled formulation.– (1) The ceiling price of a scheduled formulation of specified strengths and dosages as specified under the first schedule shall be calculated as under: Step1. First the Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(s) shall be calculated as below: Average Price to Retailer, P(s) = (Sum of prices to retailer of all the brands and generic versions of the medicine having market share more than or equal to one percent of the total market turnover on the basis of moving annual turnover of that medicine) / (Total number of such brands and generic versions of the medicine having market share more than or equal to one percent of total market turnover on the basis of moving annual turnover for that medicine.) Step2. Thereafter, the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(c) shall be calculated as below: P(c) = P(s).(1+M/100), where P(s) = Average Price to Retailer for the same strength and dosage of the medicine as calculated in step1 above. M = % Margin to retailer and its value =16 (2) The ceiling price calculated as per sub-paragraph (1) and notified by the Government shall be applicable to scheduled imported formulations also.


pinkcheems OP t1_jdqzrbb wrote

India is a price sensitive market so it's a loss-loss situation for both hospital and drug manufacturers. In India you can't write two different MRP on same product.

  1. If manufacturer writes higher price exclusively for hospitals then they will lose general customers. So no manufacturer will raise their prices just for the hospitals.

  2. If hospital charges higher then others he will also lose customers. It's not a monopoly.

You can use this trick to only exploit insurance companies or govt but you will lose general customers. So it's loss making deal.


pinkcheems OP t1_jdqtdf0 wrote

The bill says that in emergency cases doctors can't refuse medical treatments if patient is unable to pay. State govt. Will later cover that. but doctors think that govt will pay only official rates. So pvt hospitals might lose their profits. Btw state govt. Of Rajasthan provides free health insurance to all families in Rajasthan worth 25lakh rupees (30k$) per family.


pinkcheems t1_jdb5qdb wrote

Indus valley civilization worked on a community level not on the individual level. Everything they had was distributed equally. For example there was no division of houses between rich, poor, king, soldiers. All the houses in IVC were equipped with same facilities. Your initial point of argument was that rice and wheat developed very recently but when I provided you sources then you changed your argument and started spewing random bullshit like it was luxury. Man atleast stick to your point.


pinkcheems t1_jdavxhg wrote

>Wheat and rice is a recent development in India

No, it's not a recent development. Archeologists found 4 variety of wheats from mehrangarh site (7000 BCE–5500 BCE) of indus valley civilization. Which indicates that wheat is not a recent development. Same for rice it was cultivated 4000 years ago in indus valley civilization Source


pinkcheems t1_iruib0l wrote

Indians always embraced a national identity. It was unfortunate that India failed to unite under one king in the history. The connecting link between indian states was dharmic culture or religions. vishnu puran (sacred book in Hinduism which talks about life of vishu (krishna) mentions that उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्यः हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।

वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम: भारती यत्र संततिः ।। The country

that lies north of the ocean and south of the

snowy mountains is called Bhāratam (India);

there dwell the descendants of Bharata. So we can say that concept of India as nation is not new.