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lawless_c t1_jdsozeo wrote

Tldr a jet of matter black holes shoot out is aimed in our direction. nothing to worry about at such huge distances.


008Zulu t1_jdsrsh5 wrote

Won't have to worry for about half a billion years anyway.


ramdasani t1_jdtnwpo wrote

Maybe we're in the path of a wormhole, and the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council will give us notice of the intergalactic highway construction project when the Vogon Constructor fleet arrives for our demolition.


makmeyours t1_jdu2gf9 wrote

Don't act surprised, the plans have been on display for all to read for years.


gojiro0 t1_jdugcyb wrote

fr fr, on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard.”


j0b534rch t1_jdtzrwr wrote

As long as we are relocated to another class M planet I'll be happy. 🤣


MaybeImDead t1_jdufglj wrote

That depends, sometimes the right wing of those planets don't want immigrants, cuz we going to take their jerbs.


ELB2001 t1_jdurevg wrote

But their leaders are already on the spaceship


random_numbers_yeah t1_jeco3k3 wrote

I doubt it, knowing the GHPC they'll either go along with the plans just to spite the neighbors or they'll completely forget about the project. Part of me feels bad for the poor saps :(


RandomActOfMindless t1_jdswt3x wrote

Well X-rays travel at the speed of light so if we can see it pointing at us that means the x-rays would be reaching us now if they haven't diminished.


Burninator05 t1_jdszrsn wrote

Except that it could be a year away and we wouldn't know it until it got here.


008Zulu t1_jdt012q wrote

We can detect bursts of radiation from stellar objects, sometimes with millions of years advance.


knotacylon t1_jdt6o20 wrote

No, we detect the remnants of these bursts that happened millions of years ago that are just now reaching us


Illithid_Substances t1_jdtxm83 wrote

What do you mean "millions of years advance"? We usually see things millions of years after they happen, and never before


008Zulu t1_jdu6ftu wrote

Meant to say away, no idea why I typed advance.


InGenAche t1_jduh3pq wrote

Must set an alarm to get the washing in, just in case. How many minutes is that?


Babylon4All t1_jdtnobm wrote

I mean, a GRB would wipe us all out… but it’ll take some time to get here thankfully… but knowing this decade I’m optimistic it’ll happen this year.


DeeHawk t1_jdv9ly0 wrote

If you're looking directly into the eye of the black hole now, it means that was the position 657 million years ago. Gamma-ray speed is the same as visible light, which mean they arrive at the same time.

However, GRB's spread out over 2°-20°, severely reducing its effect over distance.

Which means it has to be pretty close to do any damage. (It would have to be in our part of the Milkyway.)


Loupax t1_jdupbbz wrote

Doesn’t the fact that we saw it mean that I’d we had anything to worry about, it would be too late?


DeeHawk t1_jdv8xn6 wrote

The ozone layer would be the first major crisis following a gamma-ray burst, and that happens at roughly 3000 light years.

So we have a safety factor of x219000


Daveinatx t1_jdsqycj wrote

Based in the laws of physics, 657 Million light years away sounds safe. Knowing this decade, it'll swallow us up next year.


Alphaesk t1_jdt305c wrote

Imagine it pulling us to the sun closer each year while it’s getting warmer and warmer

That would make a nice movie


BeatsMeByDre t1_jdt3eoo wrote

It's a Twilight Zone episode.


karma_the_sequel t1_jdtt84x wrote

Starring William Shatner!


Devertized t1_jduyvf2 wrote

Just recently I had this conversation with one of my mates. How the fuck did William Shatner not become a prominent figure in movies? He's fucking amazing!


dubspace t1_je2w7u8 wrote

Probably one of those "We'd love to cast you in this movie. You're a great actor, but we think everyone would just see you as Captain Kirk." type of deals.


Alphaesk t1_jdt3l61 wrote

I was looking for sci fi show but this one has really bad ratings


callinglordshiva t1_jdtbcmr wrote

The 1959 series is really good, or maybe its nostalgic for me.

Theres a new series from a few years ago which is trash


Stenthal t1_jdtjqc0 wrote

There's also a new series from twenty years ago which was trash, and a new series from forty years ago which was trash. Maybe they'll get it right in 2039.


nextuniverseplease t1_jdtess6 wrote

Oh man, the original series is FANTASTIC. Some episodes are campy but still entertaining. I highly recommend giving it a shot.


AlexOwlson t1_jduhvo2 wrote

Wouldn't even be possible. The gravitational pull would be stronger when we're closer to it than the sun, and weaker when we're on the far side of the sun. The earth spends half a year with it's center of mass closer to the black hole than the center of mass is to the black hole and half a year further.

Meaning if it were able to pull the earth at all, it would necessarily pull us further from the sun, not closer. The same is true for all objects outside the earth's orbit around the sun.


Alphaesk t1_jduhz3c wrote

Thanks for the explanation, so mass of the object has no role on the pull and sun and earth gets pulled the same?


AlexOwlson t1_jduiez6 wrote

Yeah both would get pulled. Mass ratio between the objects has effect, but in this case both the sun's and earth's mass would be negligible compared to the black hole, so we can assume the black hole is not pulled back into an orbit around the sun-earth system.

Distance is a more important metric, as the effect is divided by the distance squared. So the further away two objects are, the less they pull each other.

Now assuming both earth and sun gets pulled what would happen is the earth's orbit would become more and more elliptical over time and the average radius would also grow over time, moving us on average further away from the sun. At the closest extreme of the elliptical path it might be possible we could pass closer to the sun than before the black hole starting pulling, but this requires a bit more mathematics than I'm willing to do as I'm supposed to be working atm.

Long story short: only the sun itself can pull us closer to the sun, but as long as we are orbiting through approximate vacuum that's not gonna happen. With friction though, say if the sun's orbit passed through a gas cloud that might happen, but we'd probably have much more serious problems before crashing into the sun if that ever happened.


Alphaesk t1_jduioa7 wrote

Well you’ve started the week productive for sure mate, have good week


Devertized t1_jduz6t8 wrote

Wouldnt it be possible, in theory, to shift the earth trajectory to a point where the sun's gravitational field would pull us closer ever so slightly until collison?


AlexOwlson t1_jdvpc5c wrote

Even in theory it would be difficult. With gravity alone I only see it would be possible if either there's a massive object that magically could turn on and off it's gravitational pull in sync with the earth's orbit around the sun, or if an object actually passes through the solar system just past the sun and at that moment is lucky enough to dart the earth into the sun (which would be one extreme unlikely hole-in-one).

I think there's a lot of thinking that's a bit misunderstood here, but the entire universe except for mercury and venus is actually pulling the earth away from it's orbit around the sun. In our local solar system, the sun is massive enough that's it's only a few centimeters per year that we're creeping away, but there's no way anything outside our orbit could pull us into the sun, except maybe for some bizarre theoretical phenomena, assuming gravitation is the only external force (a collision, for instance, is a completely different story!).

If a force was strong enough to do that, it would pull the sun out of that collision course as well and we'd just end up with an even more extreme orbit around our yellow friend, if we would even be able to maintain that as we accelerated towards whatever is creating the massive pull.


flukshun t1_jdv0mcw wrote

We're in that movie already. The special effects crew is working overtime to make it get warmer and warmer.


Sinthetick t1_jdx7aiz wrote

The planet would vaporize before it's orbit changed appreciably.


bugxbuster t1_jdt83hj wrote

Nothing better than getting stoned and seeing new news about a black hole.

The universe is crazy!


ColdCutCulprit22 t1_jdsp07e wrote

Can we catch a break?


Dis_Joint t1_jdu2gnp wrote

I can throw you a Breaka! Chocolate or Iced coffee?


KyodainaBoru t1_jduwk10 wrote

Life on Earth has existed for almost 4 billion years, I’d say that’s a pretty good run so far relative to how inhospitable most of the universe is.


rasvany t1_jdsr04c wrote

This reminded me that I'm hungry and want to eat spaghetti.


Depth_Metal t1_jdto0ac wrote

Well first of all that's from the New York Post. Second my understanding is that the actual pull of Black Holes (on a relative galactic scale) not that great. Not great enough to affect us from another galaxy. So I doubt we are in a position to be consumed by it. Perhaps the x rays being sent out might affect us? But we only know the position and facing of the black hole from 657 million years ago. It's facing might have further changed in the meantime


yukimi-sashimi t1_jdujo4i wrote

There is nothing special about the gravitational pull of a black hole. It has pull according to its mass, just like every other object. If you have a black hole that is the mass of the earth, then about 4000 miles away from it, you'll feel a 1G pull.

If the sun was suddenly replaced by a black hole, we'd continue to orbit. We just wouldn't get any sunlight, and of course that would be an extinction event, but that's beside the point


boomshiki t1_jdv2gh0 wrote

Tho if you were to fall into the black hole, you’d be free to knock books off your daughters bookshelf in the past


OldManJeepin t1_jdus1qe wrote

Maybe a nice, big Gamma blast is headed our way? It's speculated that it has happened to Earth before, and wiped out %90 of life on land and in the sea. Mankind better start getting serious about reducing the single-point-of-failure issue when it comes to our survival. We *have* to get off this rock and start moving up on the Kardashev scale. Especially if we are concerned about survival as a species. Not sure we deserve it but....Deserves got nothing to do with it.


Gizmogrimes t1_je5s111 wrote

It's 600 million light years away. It's not gonna do anything.


OldManJeepin t1_jee1i0i wrote

Well....If the Gamma blast went off 599,999,999.99 years ago...we *could* be in for some pain!


moses420bush t1_jdvi4nd wrote

In the history of humanity we've only just invented electricity basically yesterday. None of us are leaving any time soon.


m_jax t1_jdudj76 wrote

How do they know its a face of black hole and not the ass hole


DeeHawk t1_jdv7tvf wrote

In the case of Black Holes the face and ass are indistinguishable.


kolossal t1_jdtkhvi wrote

This article made me think about how this world and our entire galaxy are utterly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.


noobductive t1_jdulyem wrote

Depends on perspective. In a way we’re also super significant and should care a lot.


WatermelonWithAFlute t1_jdv41d0 wrote

The rest of the entire galaxy is also (mostly) utterly insignificant because of how far away it is that it doesn’t matter. In our little corner of our solar system we are pretty damn significant. Just because we aren’t a tier 5 turbochad galaxy eater civilisation doesn’t mean we don’t matter.


PressureCultural1005 t1_jdu1ng9 wrote

why did they gloss over the 3 “planet killer” asteroids close to earth in the second half of this? anyone have any more info on this? wtf


Gizmogrimes t1_je5sa40 wrote

Yes, they're about 1km long.

Look up Sheppard (guy who found them) asteroids

Its an older article from '22


catoodles9ii t1_jdtlelz wrote

I’m kinda rooting for the black hole a bit.


BlogeOb t1_jdtouuh wrote

Don’t all black holes technically face earth


grant1wish t1_jdubvi4 wrote

Do that's what Muse was singing about.


LemonSnakeMusic t1_jdueqie wrote

“Stare into the void, and the void stares back.”

-Abraham Lincoln


No_Foot t1_jdsz207 wrote

So what is it?


thickener t1_jdto7xi wrote

It freezes time, you know, makes time stand still. So whenever you have a leak, it must preserve whatever it's leaked into, and it's leaked into this room.


DanAllenMoore t1_jdtufqr wrote

Dang, scientists only know now one of Muse's iconic songs.


j0b534rch t1_jdtzo7u wrote

Guys I can feel a little tug in that direction. Should I be worried? 🤣


glutentagmate t1_jdu0p0z wrote

Call out my name, song on spotify


glutentagmate t1_jdu0sj5 wrote

So call out my name! , when I kiss yuo so gently, girl why can't yuo waittt!


Divinate_ME t1_jdug3yz wrote

Black holes have a front and a back? An up and a a down? Left and right?


yukimi-sashimi t1_jdujt3o wrote

That was definitely written by computer. Disjointed, repetitive, and switches topics.


Gizmogrimes t1_je5rjys wrote

First of all this thing sits a whopping 657 MILLION Light years away, not miles LIGHT YEARS blazars are nothing unique. Closest One sits 400 million light away. While we can see their jets, the matter itself only reaches hundreds or thousands of light-years. Even if one happened in Sagittarius A* (can't for at least 5 billion years) the closest SMBH to us. We wouldn't die. What's so unique about this specific blazar is the fact it changed direction in the first place, nothing to do with the fact it's a blazar


1nfinitydividedby0 t1_jdsu1j6 wrote

What? Black holes don't have faces, they are point like objects, have no spacial orientation.


m0le t1_jdsuhqz wrote

Not really true for regular, bog standard black holes (accretion disk and jets are non symmetric).

Really not true for spinning black holes (the majority) that have ringularities and so poles.


1nfinitydividedby0 t1_jdsur33 wrote

Yes, accretion disk have orientation, but not black holes themselves.


James20k t1_jdt9uql wrote

A black hole has a spin, and spins about an axis which means that you can define a direction that it is pointing fairly straightforwardly

Black holes also aren't point like objects, the interior/singularity is completely divorced from the exterior of the black hole - they are a property of spacetime itself, not an effect that arises from the singularity

Astrophysical black holes formed from stellar collapse also don't have a singularity as viewed from an external observer


1nfinitydividedby0 t1_jdunt00 wrote

Well, there is something to your explanation. Axis is a property of direction. Yes, black holes do occupy space so they are not point like. I was wrong.


vonstubbins t1_jdt65uq wrote

The headline is awful, but if you'd read the article you'd know it's referring to the jet of ionised matter that is ejected from the poles of a black hole.


jerkittoanything t1_jdswuw4 wrote

Mf you about to not have a face, the only black hole that doesn't have a spacial orientation is your moms bunghole.


MantisGibbon t1_jdyzw4d wrote

The article just repeats the same thing over and over with no conclusion or context. It’s click-bait to get you to see some ads.


alinamelane t1_jdt2x8e wrote

Black hole may shed light on some of the most fundamental questions.


gaukonigshofen t1_jdt4xp8 wrote

okay so the article doesn't answer the question. How long do we have left? Is it going to be super fast where i can max out ny cc and tell boss to kiss my ass, or us it biz as usual?


Westrongthen t1_jdtqenk wrote

We will be gone by end of business Tuesday. Feel free to do all of the above.


Chaotickane t1_jdu37mn wrote

Because there is no question, it's far enough away that it's irrelevant.


Gizmogrimes t1_je5sn1t wrote

Mate it's 657 million light years away. That's not even the closest Blazar we have. (400 million light years) all that makes this one special is it changed direction. The fear mongering click bait is the only lethal thing. Even if our SMBH went blazar we wouldn't be affected.


Stewart_Games t1_jdstj1u wrote

As Earth was pulled down the gravity well of this dead star, our relative time would become increasingly faster compared to the rest of the universe. From our vantage point the time of the rest of the universe would slow down and all but stop, while we would experience millions of years of time passing relative to the rest of space. It would be like that episode of <3, Death, & Robots with the freezer civilization. We'd probably come up with FTL travel before our people could be turned into cosmic spaghetti, and be able to escape the Black Hole's event horizon.


CatoblepasQueefs t1_jdtl264 wrote

Might wanna read up on how this would actually work, because you're completely wrong.


SuccessAutomatic6726 t1_jdu0pil wrote

You have that backwards.

To us time would not change. From inside looking out, everything would be going insanely fast. Outside looking in, it would look like time stopped.

An example would be like in the movie Interstellar. Each hour was equal to 7 years, except it would be much more pronounced since in the movie they are just in close orbit, not actually inside.


NastyOfficerFarquad t1_jdtx6be wrote

Technically, ALL black holes face earth


Chaotickane t1_jdu3tkv wrote

Black holes tend to have spin and therefore orientation. When they are accreting enough of something they release gamma ray bursts from their poles. Again, orientation.


ijustwantaredditacct t1_jdugfqq wrote

True, but I'm not really sure how a sphere faces anything. A surface normal at the equator pointing towards earth?

What does pointing mean under that level of gravity and over that much distance?


OneTrueDweet t1_jdujpel wrote

It typically refers to the magnetic field confluences at the poles being aimed towards us when used in this context.