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galan-e t1_jdod5bv wrote

Israeli here. After last time gantz cooperated with Netanyahu, many don't trust him. He is also problematic on several issues, obviously none as severe as the current "judicial reform".

In any case the chances of an election soon are slim. Even if the protests work, they could back down without immediately losing power.


[deleted] t1_jdogma9 wrote

What are your views on Lapid?


TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdorqhp wrote

Another Israeli here. Lapid is a clown, but a 1,000,000 times better than the corrupted Bibi. He is also the second most popular candidate after Bibi by far, got 850K votes to Bibi's 1.1M last election.

But it's just personal opinions of course, many Israelis love Lapid and they have pretty good reasons for it.


[deleted] t1_jdothim wrote

Could Lapid have a path back to power, if for some reason Netenyahu resigns?


TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdou3yp wrote

For sure. If there are elections right now, there's a very good chance Lapid will end up as PM.

But assuming Netanyahu will ever resign is a stretch. He will only stop if his government will lose majority.


[deleted] t1_jdoufxh wrote

I know some members of his coalition are starting to break with him, could they resign, and cost him his majority?


TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdov9lu wrote

100%, but none of them talked about resigning from the government, just not agree to vote for his "Reform".

Could this start some sort of chain of events that will make them resign or Bibi to fire them? Maybe. But I doubt it. Though that will be extremely good!


[deleted] t1_jdoxjqf wrote

Agreed, that would be good, if they forced Bibi to fire them.


yevb t1_jdpxd59 wrote

Lapid is a populist and a lier, basically a lot like Bibi but without jail hovering over his head.

When Bibi leaves, we HAVE to introduce term limits on our PMs.


JewishMaghreb t1_jdq8iqf wrote

Which is what Lapid advocates for. He suggested limits to PM already a while ago. I think he’s the best option we have


yevb t1_jdrzxey wrote

Honestly, anything they say is meaningless. It only matters on the rare occasions they follow through.


Nileghi t1_jdql58z wrote

The Israeli version of Biden. In fact theyre carbon copies of each other, and all the rightwing criticism of Lapid mirrors the stuff thrown at Biden

Both Biden and Lapid are centrists who have diagnosed their country with the same problem and are attempting to produce the same solution to it. He's the most favorite pick of the american jewish democrat


[deleted] t1_jdqpq85 wrote

At any rate, Lapid at least does not want to wreck the Isreali Supreme Court.