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drowningfish t1_jduox2f wrote

What I don't understand is that this Plan was well known during the elections and yet his Far Right Party swept right back into power with an almost resounding "yes" from the voters.

What am I missing here?


Vladik1993 t1_jdurl2h wrote

Because like already mentioned, they mention a reform. Not THIS one, though. Not THIS way. During the election, it wasn't known that this will be based on Kohelet's instructions, it wasn't known they will be taking notes from Hungary and Poland.


MijTinmol OP t1_jduqfpd wrote

>an almost resounding "yes"

  1. It wasn't that much resounding, it's just that many votes were thrown away because they were given to parties outside Netanyahu's faction that failed to cross the electoral threshold.
  2. This plan wasn't completely known during the elections, and even some who support the overhaul in principle, are uncomfortable with the aggressive way it's being legislated, without halting for a moment to address the concerns of the other side.

Gluske t1_jdup8r2 wrote

His support hinges on a coalition and his own people have withdrawn their support following the mass protests, putting everything on shaky ground


yoaver t1_jdv0s0u wrote

A reform to aspects of the Israeli judiciary is still considered necessary by many as the system is somewhat unbalanced. BUT, this "reform", that is practically a coup, was not spoken about by anyone.