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thebudman_420 t1_je8www5 wrote

To be far cannabis isn't legal in Australia.

So this can get him two ways.

We thought it was a firearm.

You been smoking something illegal out of it.


sprunghuntR3Dux t1_je8xn1r wrote

Toy firearms have to have a red tip in Australia. I’m not sure if that’s the owner’s or the retailer’s responsibility though.


Screamingholt t1_je94g0a wrote

AFAIA there is no legislative requirement for the Red Tip in Australia, however it is strongly encouraged. How long before some states ban toy guns altogether is another mater altogether


Screamingholt t1_je94a3d wrote

Seems they are going after him with firearms charges. NSW leans HEAVILLY into the appearance law parts of the NFA I believe. Wonder if the "But it isn't a firearm" argument would fly. I am presuming it wouldn't as they are arguing it could have the "appearance" of a prohibited firearm and that is enoughl.


4145k4n8u11w02m t1_jea2fld wrote

To be fair it’s advertised mostliky “for tobacco use”. That’s how they sell bongs in Texas headshops