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FeckThul t1_iu0ioeq wrote

> Human rights of women will not suddenly become null and void because a transwoman who had a sex change operation will be sent to a woman shelter instead of a man shelter after having been attacked.

Did anyone claim that?

> Or do you believe that trans people should be segregated from the rest of society?

As a cis man I don’t feel it’s my place to tell cis women that they need to suck it up and just get over whatever trauma they might have around AMAB people, “for the cause.”


[deleted] t1_iu0jjue wrote



FeckThul t1_iu0jtfn wrote

> Ha yes, the good old trope that transwoman are easily recognizable. The thing is they most likely already met a transwoman out and about but they just didn't realize it.

Please don’t put words in my mouth, especially words like that.