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Happy13178 t1_iu3o2fp wrote

It is about being better, just not in some weird competition. It's being better for ourselves because it's the right thing to do and helps us move forward collectively with a lesser burden of sins from the past.


SomeDrunkAssh0le t1_iu4glbh wrote

We're always telling ourselves that we're better than the americans.


TripleJumpToTheMoon t1_iu5w7yr wrote

At the same time, I know Americans who think Canada is better, Americans who think america is better, Canadians who think america is better, and then of course Canadians in majority think Canada is better.

Personally I would love to try living in the US for a year or so just to see how it’s different than Canada (other than the obvs like health care making you broke in US, too much religion in the US, different climates, etc.)
